26. Distant

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Hyukjae looked down at Donghae's unconcious body that was lying on the luxurious white bed. For some reason, it reminded him of the day he had first spoken with him; back at the compound. His breathing was gentle, but what concerned him more was the ridiculous situation that they were in.

They had been far from the Maranzano manor and even further away from DeMeo Labs, and Luca had suggested that they head back to New York and stay at the Grand since it was still early in the morning; the Grand being one of the Maranzano Hotel chains.

He honestly felt guilty for shooting Donghae, although the biggest thing the gun had done was making him fall unconcious. Jake gave himself a guilty smile, the look Donghae had given him when he'd shot his shoulder had been pure betrayal... and it amused him that Donghae failed to recognise a tranquillizer gun. Cute.

It was still 6 in the morning, Hyukjae got up and walked towards the window. He pushed the coffee coloured curtains aside and gazed at the city infront of him which was still covered in a seagreen mist. Everything was motionless...

Sighing, he went back to the bed and sat down next to Donghae's disheveled figure, his hair looked like a tangled up bird's nest, and there were patches of dried blood on multiple cuts on his hands, where the broken glass shards have fallen on him.

"Wake up idiot" muttered Hyukjae pouting, his fingers loosening the first button of Donghae's shirt. "You aren't allowed to sleep that long... and that's a fucking order"

His hands began to loosen the second button when suddenly, Donghae's left hand came crashing and caught his wrist. Without letting him go, Donghae twisted his hand into a wrist-lock, making Hyukjae gasp in sudden flash of pain, but he bit his lips and held in his scream until the furrow in the middle of Donghae's forehead disappeared a little.

Hyukjae went on looking at him disbelievingly until Donghae finally opened his bloodshot eyes, but to Jake's surprise, there was no confusion in them... and no hesitation either. Those chocolate brown orbes just glared at him accusingly.

"Donghae?" said Jake, his voice wavering a little, but Donghae viciously yanked his hand forward, making Hyukjae fall onto the bed. Donghae quickly rolled on top of him and pushed Jake's shoulders tightly onto the matress, pinning him in place.

"You" gasped Donghae, as Jake looked at him silently, "did you just fucking shoot me?"

Without answering, Jake concentrated on Donghae's heavy breathing instead, his body was warm, and they were dangerously close to eachother. Without his permission, Jake's eyes wandered across Donghae's chest, his slim waist and lower down to see that the band of boxers were visible on top of his denim. Suddenly Donghae's chain slipped out from his collar, dangling infront of Hyukjae's eyes.

"I had two reasons to shoot you with a tranquillizer" said Hyukjae calmly, but Donghae's grip on him didn't loosen. Instead, he smirked down at Jake, as if he was some little kid trying to convince him.

"Really?" asked Donghae, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "and do I need to know them?"

Hyukjae tried to lift himself up, but Donghae was far too strong for him, he felt like his bones were being crushed, and there was nothing gentle about the way Donghae's nails were digging into his skin... but something attracted Jake to Donghae's aggressive behaviour, this near-pain he was receiving from him...

"Reason one" drawled Jake, trying hard to keep himself in control, "when I got there, you looked like death so it seemed like a good idea"

Donghae gave a snort of amused laughter, "and the second one Maranzano?" he asked pushing him down more strongly.

"Because I wanted you to come quietly without wasting my energy on arguing with you" said Jake stonnily, "you just ignored my direct orders as if they were nothing"

Donghae breathing slowed down, and Jake felt him ease the pressure on him about half a centimeter.

"I won't appologize" said Donghae, "I won't Jake"

He looked up at Donghae in confusion, and Donghae looked away, trying hard to control his unruly emotions, he can't be with Jake...he CANNOT! Not after what they told him...Hyukjae would hate him in the end anyways...

"Hyukjae I want to tell you something" he said still looking away and Jake looked at him.

"What is it?" asked Jake in concern, Donghae's voice sounded stiff as if he was litterally chocking down on his own throat.

Donghae slowly pulled himself up and sat down on the edge of the bed, far from Hyukjae as possible. The slow warmth they had instantly shattered into pieces. Instead of looking at Jake, Donghae concentrated on looking at the side lamp, staring at the light prevented tears from gathering in his eyes.

"Whatever we had between us..
Can we just... stop it?, I'll just be your bodyguard from now on"

It. was. the. wrong. thing. to. say...

Jake couldn't believe what he was hearing, it felt so unreal all of a sudden, the room, the bed and the dim light inside the room..no he refused to believe it. He took a deep breath and Donghae waited for him to go off...but he waited in vain, one thing Donghae never knew about him was that Jake had long since trained himself never to show emotions in his face...

Anger, desperation, love...everything shattered around him, suddenly his whole body burned with a raw new emotion,
Rage...he fucking wanted to hurt him!

"Whatever we had?" asked Hyukjae sitting up on th bed with his eyes raking Donghae's body, all of a sudden, he looked really dangerous to Donghae as if all this time he had been actually ignoring Hyukjae's dark side, "what exactly did we have between us Lee Donghae?"

Donghae gulped and didn't dare to move, until Jake got up and came closer to him. As he sat staring at Hyukjae, he just looked up at the cielling and gave a hollow laugh.

"I thought what we had was real" said Donghae trying hard to push down his constricted throat when suddenly Jake looked down at him. His eyes gleamed in the darkness.

"That's your problem Donghae" he whispered, bringing his lips close to Donghae's ear, "you just thought a little too much"

If words could feel like acid, then it most certainly did to Donghae, he expected Jake to atleast ask why he was trying to breakup, but instead he looked all cool with it. Like nothing ever happened...

"Yeah I guess I expected too much from you" said Donghae glaring.

Light was already filtering inside the room, turning the walls into a faint golden colour....also turning Jake's eyes into that vibrant grey-blue that he always loved, but right now those eyes were looking at him; and through him as if he was the world's biggest idiot to take something like Jake Maranzano's temporary affections seriously.

"So nothing was there between us?" asked Donghae his voice low, and Jake gave a gentle shake of his head with a thin smile.

"All I did was play along to your little dark and desperate desires, and I would have done it until I felt like I had enough of you"

Lies..all of them...

"That's enough Hyukjae" said Donghae getting up, "Thankyou for explaining that I was nothing but your stupid little toy all along"

"Well you brought this on your own" said Jake smirking and going near the door, "atleast I left you a virgin"

Donghae felt like punching him, but he didn't, he watched until Jake dissappeared out of his room. He didnt know which was worst, expecting this to happen or actually hearing it from Jake that he had been nothing to him.

He looked down on the sand coloured carpet on the floor, but something caught his attention, drops of blood, all the way to the door...

A/N: ...

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