52. Collide

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Four weeks later. West Central Hospitals (PVT) Ltd, Patient Care Unit_ _

The constant drip of saline, the continuous beeping that was coming from the mounted ECG scan, the distant sounds of shuffling feet and intercoms could be heard from within the ward.

The windows were open, with their rickety cream coloured shutters crunched up to let fresh air and bright autumn sunlight in. Warm rays fell on the carpeted floor of the room, throwing wavy patterns by refracting through the cool, plastic saline container. A small bonsai flower pot decorated the windowsill, with its pink flowers bobbing gently to the wind that blowed inside; a get well soon gift from Donghae.

Jake eased the door shut behind him. He quietly walked across the room and stood near the window, lifting his eyes towards the sky to see bright cotton wooly clouds drifting across the wide blue expanse.

A ragged cough from Luca made him turn around.

"For God's sake Jake! Can't you see that I'm perfectly fine?" whinned Luca, easing himself up on the bed frame. Jake sighed and pulled a chair towards the bed. Sliding out a random report file from the table, he sat back an regarded the medical papers with a critical eye.

"You have six more checkups to do" he said, with the air of talking to his age old grandfather. Luca fumed at him, partly annoyed because he had to stay atleast another week, stuck at this place, and partly because he knew Jake was right...

When Luca had woken up two weeks back in the hospital, Jake had been standing there next to him, with blood poring out of multiple wounds that he was not even aware of, with his gray blue eyes huge with concern and stress. His hands had been clutching Luca's wrists tightly...

'I thought I'd lost you' Jake had whispered, tears streaming down his face...

Two surgeries, constant checkups an a thousand scans later, Luca couldn't wait to get back home. But Jake had completely ignored Luca's please to leave his hospital prison for good.

He now looked at Jake who was still looking at the papers, lazily chewing a bubble gum (Luca hated the habbit). Suddenly Luca narrowed his eyes. There was something he dearly wanted to know from Jake.

"Those checkups can wait Jake" said Luca gruffly, "besides I need to-"

"Really?" interrupted Jake with a smile, flipping the report back to the table, "I don't think so, you are still weak grandpa"

"G-Grandpa?" Choked Luca, then stopped, an impulsive smile spreading across his mouth, "since I'm your grandpa, I have one question for you my boy"


Jake suddenly started to cough violently, while Luca waited with a grim expression for Jake to finish acting out his melodrama. Finnaly clearing his throat, Jake gave up, remembering that he was, indeed the supreme leader of the Falcon Circle

"What about?" He cleared his throat while crossing his legs and staraightning his shirt. But Luca continued to watch him like a hawk. Jake had a fleeting feeling that he was being x-rayed through Luca's eyes. A few moment passed between them studiously glaring at eachother. Finally just as Luca opened his mouth, Jake suddenly cut across him

"I can explain Luca!"

"I am listening" sighed Luca, leaning back, "and you'd better be telling me the truth and nothing but the truth Maranzano"

Jake glanced down at this hands, thinking hard. He felt as though he could command many battles and win against them, rather than acquiring enough courage to tell Luca about his truth. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, calming down his twanged nerves... when suddenly the ward door creased open. Donghae's silky head was visible from the crack, as if he was expecting Luca to be in his most foulest mood... which he was, unfortunately

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