17. High Life

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Luca let out an annoyed sigh and accelerated the Defender more; cursing under his breath. Donghae, who was sitting next to him on the passenger seat struggled not to smirk.

It was all because of the awkwardness that was coming from the people at the backseat.

Jake and Cecily sat in dead silence. Neither of them talking to each other; and sitting on the extreme opposite ends of the backseat.

After several miles, Cecily let out an annoyed little sigh and gave Jake a dirty look. She rummaged through her purse until she took out a bright pink apple phone and scrolled through her contact list.

"Ok Jaky so like um...how much longer are you gonna ignore my existence?" she asked in a highly accented Amarican voice.

Jake gave an equal glare.
"If you promise to go home tomorrow like a freaking good girl, I'll accept your fucking existence"

"Ouch" muttered Donghae under his breath, but the young girl didn't seem to be worried about what Jake had said. She simply dialed a number and held the phone pressing on loudspeak symbol.

After a few rings, the call was picked up and Cecily sat up straight.

"Hey Nick!!!!" she litterally screamed on to the phone and Donghae heard Jake curse in a string of Italian words. "Guess who the fuck I found!!!!"

"God biiitch!" yelled an equally excited voice "judging by your tone, it must be that billionaire Mafia Leader"

"It is!!!" screamed Cecily; oblivious to the horrified look Jake was presenting her.

"Heyy bro!" said Nick through the phone and Jake looked at it sourly before replying with a complete eyeroll.

"Hey man" said Hyukjae in utter unenthusiasm.

"Jake!" whispered Cecy "fucking be polite for fuck's sake! we were all friends since kids!"

"I know" mouthed Jake at her and looked out through the window.

"Hey Nick! You think you can gather everyone tomorrow?" said Cecily with a wicked smile at Jake who gave her a nasty look.

"It's time the old family friends get together again!!! and PARTEYYY!!" she screamed at the phone just as Jake sprang at her and slammed his hand on her mouth; litterally getting on top of her.

"Cecily!!" screamed Hyukjae "No we are NEVER!!-"

"Yeee!" Cecy laughed, struggling under him.

"OK then!" said said the unsuspecting Nick "where? his house?"

"YESSSS!" Cecily managed to scream before Jake took her phone and cut the call, finally flipping her phone on the floor.

"Wowww" said Cecily, sliding her hands around his neck  "you've grown"

Hyukjae smirked as he looked down at her. "Yeah I've grown, in every way you can think of"

She gave a light laugh "hmm better than I thought"

Luca gave a short cough before things at the back could get more complicated. Both Cecily and Jake sprang apart. Only Cecily looked red in the face.

All this time, Donghae was getting more and more concerned about Jake. Couldn't that girl see that he was needing some alone time? Instead of partying late into the night.

But he couldn't say anything, both Cecily and Jake belonged to the same social status, and it was not his place to burge in.
So he clenched his fists and looked out through the window.

He was brought back to this world when he saw Jake getting on top of her through the rear mirror, litterally hiding her entire frame from his body.

Donghae couldn't understand what feeling he felt. His heart did a weird little somersault, unconsciously,  his eyes began to admire the shape of Hyukjae's sharp Jawline. He suddenly remebered the way Jake had treated him on the day they'd killed Alvarez.
The tension he had felt that moment still haunted him. He couldn't deny that Jake was handsome.

So what was he feeling now? Jealousy?...NO! It's absolutely fucking absurd!

To get out from feeling all these confusing thoughts, he turned towards Luca.

"How much further?" he asked and Luca grunted.

"Not much long now" said Luca.

After about and hour, Luca suddenly turned to a sub road, the sky had already grown into a soft twilight. Suddenly he pulled up to a little clearing and put the jeep on the neutral gear.

Donghe looked at him in concern, there was absolutely nothing there instead of trees and shrubs.

"Luca? Please tell me that we arn't lost or in the middle of nowhere"

Luca snorted and Donghae heard Jake talk for the first time since the afternoon.

"Dont worry Donghae" he said in a light voice that even surprised Cecily, there was a light tinge of cherish there. But Donghae was too panicked to realize this.

Sudenly two exetremely huge gates, that he hadn't noticed started openeing infront of them. Luca started driving throught the gates and they entered a full sweeping carpeted road.

They drove a full kilometre when the road bended to the left and ran along a large pond that had water lilies that were in full bloom. When he looked up, he saw a big flashy manor house on the top of the curved land. The lights were all turned on making the house glow in the darkness. It looked almost like white palace.

Donghae was speechless as he gazed at the house. How many houses like these does he own?

"Welcome to the Maranzano family house" said Luca, parking infront of a wide sweeping staircase. "Now everyone out! I've had enough of you little fuckers for the day"

"My second home! Woohoo!!!" yelled Cecily as she ran up the stairs.

Jake shook his head and stood besides Donghae "sometimes I think she owns the place...come on Donghae" he said and walked up the marble stairs while Donghae walked behind him; shaking his head.

A/N : ahem ahem!... VOTE! 🌟 and jot down your thoughts coz i always ask fr ur opinions

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