24. Turnings

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"Don't you think that you are being a little over dramatic?" Crooned the woman; sipping a glass of red wine while the man standing next to her switched off his phone.

"No" he said; his fingeres unconciously twirling the slim smart phone slowly, "I love a little drama"

"I hope he would come?" said the lady rasing an eyebrow.

"He is sure to come Minerva" said the man in a slithery sort of voice, "I made him have no choice"

"Well" she said in a petite tone "I do hope that we won't be disappointed"

The man said nothing, but the woman saw his fingers tightening on the Beretta gun. Seeing this, she smiled to herself.

"Is that why you have so many of your men here tonight Captain? because you're scared of a mere boy?"

The man gave a low chuckle and turned toward her,"I'm merely testing his nerve Minerva, that's all; gotta see if he's bloody man enough for the position we put him into"

"This is a seemeless plan Captain" said the woman sternly, "we cannot be sure where his priorities lie; he should be persuaded, through tactic"

"I know" he said, "I've only brought my men as backup, incase if he stire things up, I have a plan see?"

"But I also know" continued the man, whispering close to the lady's ear, "that in this dark warehouse, you will be able to get him to our side, even if he disagrees, his blood will surely crave the revenge"

"Still" objected the Lady, "what about Maranzano? The boy had clearly spent a long time with him"

The man gave an impatient tut,"well, all I did was threaten him a little, we all know that he doesn't care for anyone other than his own damn self and Falcon Global"

"Others yes, but Aiden? I think you'll be suprised"

"Oh I think we'll all be very suprised when he doesn't turn up, he wouldn't give a damn about saving anyone in fear of thinking that his people might see him as weak" said the Captain with a grunt.

The woman didnt say anything, but turned her head to watch the entrance, where a broken neon sign still flicked in the dim light of the room, any second now...

"We'll see captain...we'll see..."


"Luca!" shouted Hyukjae; staring at the screen until he heard Luca come and stand behind him.

"What is it Boss?" he asked, his tone low and ready to take any order.

"Get the Falcons" said Jake "I'll share the loccation to their earpieces"

"You found them didn't you?" asked Luca with a grim smile. And Jake smiled back, his eyes looking dangerously luminous.

"I'll come with you" said the burly man, picking up his gun, but Jake shook his head.

"No Luca, I want you to come with the others" said Hyukjae evenly


"I can handle myself" said Jake, "besides" he continued smiling, "I need your shurikens, I've always wanted them"

Luca grunted and handed him 10 silver throwing stars that gleamed in a deadly way. Jake took them and almost ran towards the door when he turned back,

For a moment, Luca saw the same face of the 8 year old he met 15 years ago, but in an instant, that face was gone...

"I want you to do something for me" said Jake and told the man what he wanted.

"Brat" muttered Luca as he watched Jake dissappear.

The Boss [BxB Mafia AU] |✔Where stories live. Discover now