46. Reasons Why

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A/N: *ehem* Excuse me while I find a place to hide... all in all, hope you guys enjoy! 

Hideki Tanaka took a shaky step forward out of his new; considerably gloomy but humane quaters. He couldn't quite still believe he was out of that hell hole, however how much temporary it seemed. The great Italian soldier had gruffly un-chained him a long while ago, muttering that it was that Falcon boy's orders to free him. Tanaka had studiously spent another few hours sitting on his bed and staring at everything and nothing, unable to understand why Jake had taken such a decision.

Various thought came to his mind and he let them wash through his head... trying to grasp the reality as he slowly walked out of his room... he was in Seoul! And he had no idea what his son might be doing back in Japan...he remembered the utter panic when he'd seen the little paper with the death threat sticking on the window, somehow making him come here to save him and his son's lives. Tanaka could very well see now that it was all Ventura's doings. He silently cursed at himself for being so weak willed

He cautiously went down the winding great staircase, Looking up to admire the huge broken glass decorated dome above the stairs; from which golden sunlight fell on the carpet in blurry multi-coloured patterns of blue green and red. He heard a distant chime of a grandfather's clock somewhere inside the house.

Tanaka was suddenly gripped by the idea that he should tell that arrogant child the truth. But why should he peel himself more unasked trouble? He had been trying to tell him and his ridiculously thick headed body guard that the pendant he found was none other than a Luciano property... and did NOT in fact belong to the Maranzanos at all!. He had been studying the history with Proffessor Ventura years ago! Surely that boy must understand!

'I've got to tell him' thought Tanaka, wondering how he should find Jake in this sea of a house.

But what he didnt know was that it could be the worst time possible that he decieded to find the boy... or rather anyone in the house...

Luca glided up the marble staircase towards the front doors on the Maranzano Manor. He was deep in thought, noticing how his long formidable shadow fell on a darker shade on the sandy coloured stone.
It had been a short while since he had practically shoved those pretentious bunch of assholes out of the house. Jake had done the correct thing by centralizing his power inside Falcon Global. That way, dear Sofia and Sergei would be nailed down in their seats a little bit. Luca smiled to himself as he sat down on the stairs, taking out his revolver and his pack of cigarettes. Placing the sinister weapon by his side, he quietly lit a cigarette and inhaled the sweet and sharp sent.

To his left, the long familiar corridor stretched away where it would end infront of the conference room. Suddenly Luca was reminded of the silver of a conversation he'd managed to eavesdrop from Sofia and Sergei.. what the Hell did they mean?! It was absolute nonsense! Luca thought back to what he'd heard, meanwhile taking a long drag to clear his hazzy mind... they'd clearly looked as if he had decided to make them a pair of customised graves. Luca shook his head lightly, a grunt of amusement escaping from his nose. After finishing his much needed cigarette, he picked his gun got up with a groan.

"I'm beginning to age" he muttered shaking his head as he started walking towards the main entrance of the east corridors.

"I should- I need to tell you something"

Jake didn't reply until he had drunk every bit of alcohol his bottle had to offer him. Which, unfortunately, was a fucking lot.

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