4. The Chat

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Donghae looked at the boy standing besides the bed. He was even more amazed when he laughed. But Donghae didn't take his eyes off the pistol he was holding, at any moment, it might get directed at him.

"Get the fuck out Luca" said the boy calmly and Donghae turned his head to see the bulky man leave the room.

"So" said the boy, when Donghae turned back to him. "Here's the rules, I ask a question once and you answer imidiately or else you die, if you don't answer them, you die"

His voice was deep...and snister. It was not harsh, but Donghae felt like this boy had a voice that many people might obey, without hesitation.

"Seems like I don't have much of a choice do I?" asked Donghae before he could stop himself.

Hyukjae looked at him. Usually, if someone dared to answer back at him like that, he would've shot them twice without hesitating. But this boy?...he wanted to talk to him.

Jake smiled "you are right at that" he said; balancing the gun on two fingers. "Who the hell are you?"

Donghae was suddenly reminded of a memory of him and his father. It had been a few days before he was found dead.


'If someone asks your name, tell them your Korean name, NEVER let anyone know your English name Donghae, if you do, then you will get into trouble' said his father.

'But daddy why?' asked the 6 year old Donghae.

'Promise me Donghae' said his farther; grabbling hold of his hands 'Promise me never to reveal your first name'

'I-I promise daddy' said the little boy; scared out of his wrists.

'and one more thing, if anyone asks if you know me, tell them  no and use the surname Lee understand?'

'I do but-'

'Keep your mother safe cub' said the man and gave the little child a quick hug before disappearing into the night.


"Lee Donghae" said Donghae and shivered while Hyukjae nodded.

"I see that you are highly trained, you actually put a number of my men to shame" said Hyukjae and Donghae and gulped.

Was he complementing him or was he accusing him?

"Are you-"

"Am I what?" asked Jake in an amused voice; still holding the gun lightly.

"Complementing me?" asked Donghae and Hyukjae looked at him.

"Do you know something called The Falcon Circle?" asked Hyukjae suddenly, his voice seemed loud; almost like he was changing the subject.

Donghae knew about the Falcons, his father had been one, and they were the ones responsible for his death. If it weren't for them, his father would've been still alive. It's all their fault!

'That's why' thought Donghae, 'I want to kill thier leader, a life for a life they say'

"We are the strongest leaders of Mafia" said Hyukjae looking straight at Donghae's deep brown eyes. "That's why I need you to be a part of it"

"Me?" said Donghae incredulously. This was his only chance.

'Then I can find their leader' he thought as he looked at the blue- gray eyed boy.

"Yes you" said Hyukjae throwing the pistol at him. "Be my personal bodyguard"

Donghae blinked and gave a snort of laughter. "You talk like you own the Mafia gangs" he said.

Just then a man entered with a briefcase and stood beside Hyukjae. When he opened the box Donghae saw that it was filled to the brim with uncut diamonds.

Hyukjae looked at them and gave a quick nodd and the man took them away after a deep salute.

"I do own them Donghae" said Hyukjae silently. "My name is Jake Maranzano and welcome to the Falcon Circle"

Donghae took a deep breath and  felt as if somone had slapped him. So this was Jake Maranzano! Donghae had expected someone really older but Jake....

Of course, the hell expensive suits, the authoritative voice, the comanding aura! He had been an idiot not to have realised.

"I will be your bodyguard" said Donghae. And I will make you pay for what your father did...

A/N: VOTE!!🌟

The Boss [BxB Mafia AU] |✔Where stories live. Discover now