9. Parties & Plans

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"Is that for me?" exclaimed Donghae as he took the black Brioni suit and off-white shirt from the closet while Luca grunted.

"Don't thank me punk" said Luca, handing him the silver Titan watch "your boss doesn't want you looking like some scrap out of a bar"

"Nice words..."

"Get dressed" fumed Luca and left him.

Donghae sighed, when the hell did his life become so fucking complicated?

He quickly dressed and sprinted down the stairs, it felt really good after a shower, and Donghae felt more relaxed and alert. The sky had already turned to a dark shade of black-blue and Donghae glanced at his watch, it was 7.16 in the afternoon.

Luca was waiting downstairs; directly infront of Jake's room and he was tapping away in his phone. Donghae came and stood quiety beside him, and suddenly the door opened and Hyukjae came out wearing a stunning Aegean blue suit; but Donghae noticed that Jake was wearing the same wrist watch as him.

"All set" said Jake and Donghae noticed him take a quick glance at Donghae's wrist with a slight smirk.

"What colour goes with my suit?" he suddenly asked Donghae as they stepped on the elevator.

Donghae heard Luca clearing his throat and he glanced back at Jake, deciding to play along to his love of showing off.

"I think...deep black?" said Donghae and Jake smirked.

"You have a horrible taste" he said, shaking his head "Luca won't have trouble keeping you from doing stupid things"

"Stupid things?" asked Donghae and Jake nodded

"Yup...ladies love men with some good AF taste, seems like you have non"

"Thanks for the complement" muttered Donghae as they finally hit the basement.

When the double doors opened, Donghae let out a gasp, the underground car park was lined with cars and Jeeps of all types...and colours.

Hyukjae walked forward and stood besides a sleek jet black Audi and took out the key from the holder next to it. He threw it at Luca and turned to Donghae,

"Get in" he said; looking amused

"And you said I don't have a fucking taste" muttered Donghae and obeyed the command.


The party looked like...what a party should be in the mafia, when they walked in, Donghae was hit by how majestic the hall looked, He saw Luca go forward first an disappear into the crowd and Jake followed him. Donghae gave on last scan on the crowd befor he decended the step; a few paces away from Hyukjae.

The hall was decorated with ivory designes and had a little  balcony running all around the circular shape of the hall. Donghae noticed a movement among the pillars of the balcony and his quick eyesight caught a gleem of a pistol. He saw men being posted in equal distances, all around the room.

'Funny' thought Donghae; his conscience nagging at him, his sixth sense urged him to be more alert and Donghae walked closer to Hyukjae almost brushing his hand with him. Hyukjae glanced at him and raised an eyebrow,

"Trouble?" he wispered and Donghae gave a slight shake of his head.

"I don't know" he whispered back "I just don't have a good feeling about this place"

Jake looked back ahead "stay close to Luca" he said and Donghae nodded.

"Jake" said a voice and both of them turned to see Madam LaVerè come towards them wearing a slik salmon pink low cut dress with matching pearls glistening on her neck,

She came and stood beside Jake and Donghae and regarded them both with a curious look

"Master Maranzano" she said gracefully bowing "a pleasure to see you here, I always welcome your handsomeness in my parties"

"Glad to see you too" said Jake taking her hands into his.

"Charming as well as ravishing" she complemented

"I am" said Jake with a slow smile.

"Oh" she said, looking at Donghae, "you brought mister Handsome as well"

Hyukjae rolled his eyes and as  the lady regarded Donghae lustily.

"I want to talk to you" she told Hyukjae "in private"

"You can" said Hyukjae "but where I go, my bodygaurd will also go"

She gave herself a few seconds  to consider and finally nodded in agreement. "Fine" she said, "come this way"


She ushered them to a well furnished room and closed the door. Hyukjae strolled across the room and sat down on the bearskin sofa and the Lady sat directly infront of him. Donghae quietly went and stood along the corner where he can take a good glance at both Jake and LaVerè.

"I got your email" she said "are you sure its correct?"

"I confirmed it" said Jake, stroking the cushion covers. "Seems like there are 2 people alive in that family"

"Two?" asked LaVerè arching her eyebrows "his mother?"


"If I get futher records I will notify you imidiately" said the lady, taking out her mahogany hand fan. "anyways; shame to kill a child who has a damn sexy name, Aiden Luciano is it?" She asked while slowly fanning herself.

Donghae suddenly felt like his body turning into ice, blood pounded through his body making it hard to breathe they knew his name! It was hard not to look alarmed, they won't show any mercy if the knew...

"I sent the message to all the  leaders of the minor gangs" said Hyukjae; looking straight at LaVerè's eyes, "we won't rest until we find them"

"Yes of course" said LaVerè with a killer smile "Leonard was a good frind of mine, I will definitely make them pay for what they did"

"I know you will" said Jake getting up. "If you find them by any chance, just feel free to kill"

"I will" said the lady smiling.


Donghae walked dazedly in the middle of the crowd of high ranking men and women of the mafia, he'd lost track of Jake after they had come out of that room.

'They know!' said a voice inside his head and Donghae felt sick to the core; not only had he put himself in danger by stupidly coming here; now his mom...

Suddenly he felt someone grab his shoulders and Donghae jerked back to see Luca standing in front of him.

"You ok?" he asked; looking unusually generous and Donghae nodded.

"I feel a bit dizzy" he said; touching his forehead.

"Here drink this" said Luca; giving him a glass filled to the brim with some type of blood red alcoholic liquid.

"I don't want it" said Donghae but he imidiately regretted saying it when he saw the thunderous look on Luca's face.

"Drink it if you know what's good for you" he growled and Donghae gulped it down.

He felt light headed almost imidiately and his vision became blurred, he knew he was helplessly drunk,

"Now little angel boy" said Luca "go find your boss"

Go find your boss...

The the only thing he correctly remebered was Luca's laugh mixed with the laughs of other members of the room.

A/N : oooooo!! what do ya'll think will happen next??🌟

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