Chapter 18: Not As Welcomed

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~ 2 weeks later~

~Bruno's POV~

So we are Finally home and Angelina is sleeping on the tour bus Out front, once I get all of her bags in the house I'll go wake her up. I seriously wonder what she packed in these bags, they are sooo heavy. I finally got the last bag into the house and I walked out to the bus. I open the door to the back room and saw Angelina laying there sleeping, I didn't want to wake her up but I had to so I walked over to her and shook her awake.

"Munchkin' wake up! We are home."

"5 more minutes"

"No Munchkin you gotta get up. We're at the house."

~Angelina's POV~

I did NOT feel like waking up I was up all night listening to my dad snoring, but when I realized my dad said we were home I woke up.

"Okay! Fine I'm up!"

"I got everything in the house already I'm just waiting for you."

"Okay, I'll just grab my phone and my charger and I'll be ready to go."

I got up and Walk to the front of the bus my dad following behind. I was walking off the bus and looked up and saw how big the house was my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it. I walked to the front door with my dad and opened the door. You would think that from the size of the house the inside would be fancy but It looked like any other house I've ever been to. Yes the house was bigger but It was really welcoming, I heard nails running on the hardwood floor I looked at where the noise was coming for and I saw Geronimo. He gave me a weird look and started growling at me.

"Geronimo,Be a good boy." My dad said and Geronimo's tail went between his legs and he slowly walked toward me and my dad.

"Pet him, He won't bite." I put my hand out for him to sniff it and he did and he walked closer for me to pet him.

"See I told you he won't bite." I turned and smiled at my dad. That's when we heard the front door open and a bunch of people walk in. I knew who most of the people were because I was to shy to introduce myself.

The first person to walk up to me was my uncle E and His wife I met them already and walking behind them were my cousins, Liam and Mila. (Liam is 15 And Mila is 11)* I think these would be the right ages but I'm not sure*


"Hey Angelina. Are you Okay?"

"Yea, I just woke up and I came in here and met G. I'm just... I don't even know I'm at a lost for words. I've never had someone who Actually loved me. I feel loved when I'm here in this house around You guys. It's just crazy, I can't believe I live here now."

" Well believe it Munchkin, You will also have your Gym and your own room that will be decorated and your own dog that does tricks see watch... Sit Geronimo sit... Now paw..." Geronimo gave my dad his paw. "Now Hi- Five, Hi- Five Geronimo." And Geronimo gave him a hi- five.

"Do you have any treats I can give him?"

"Yea, Geronimo go get your treats." Geronimo ran into another room and came back with a bag of treats.

"Good boy, Geronimo." I took the treats and gave him one and pat him on the head,

"Good boy, You're Such a good boy." I started laughing and he gave me a big sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"See, He's a good dog."

Everyone started to circle around me and Geronimo. I could she my Aunts looked confused and I stood up and whispered to my dad " Can you Introduce me to your sisters?"

He shook his head yes and before he could open up his mouth Tahiti said "Who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Angelina Michelle and I'm your niece..................."

"Bruno, Why didn't you tell me I had a Niece?"

"I didn't know I had a daughter until I was in New York for one of my concerts."

"How do you know she really is your child, not that I care if she isn't."

"I guess I'm just going to find a room and start unpacking." I walked toward the pile of suitcases and carried some upstairs.

"Hey Liam, Can you help me Please."

"Yea." He grabbed some of my bags and brought them upstairs for me.

"I'm come help you in a minute." My dad Said


I went in the first room at the top of the staircase and It looked perfect.

"This Is the room. Just put the bags over there." Liam put the bags down and left.

I closed the door as he walked downstairs. I leaned On the door and my aunt Tahiti's words played In my head " how do you know she really is your child..." I guess I'm not welcomed to the Hernandez family, maybe my mom was right my Dad's family never did love me. No! My dad loves me If he didn't he wouldn't be remodeling his whole house for me, but why doesn't my Aunt Tahiti love me, I wonder If they all think the same way. I sat there just thinking until I felt tears coming down my face. I've never been this emotional before It seems like the whole time I've been with my dad all I do is cry.

I walked downstairs and saw my dad talking to my aunts. I walked into the kitchen and asked my dad if he wanted a drink. My voice cracked as I asked which signified I was crying. He said that he wanted a water and He wanted me to check if Geronimo had water in his dish. I grabbed the to 2 waters and checked G's water dish he was fine. I walked into the living room where My dad and everyone was and gave him his water.

"Thanks Munchkin,"

"De Nada" (You're Welcome.)

"She's Bilingual too, Bruno are you sure she's your kid."

I had my back faced toward everyone I was just looking at my dad. He could tell I was hurt by what she said. I spun around quickly.

" I find it absolutely funny that you still are questioning that I'm your niece. What is it? Am I not pretty enough, there is nothing a little makeup can't fix. Are my eye not brown enough. Do I not have long enough hair, What is it that makes you question me. I'm just an ordinary 14 year old. I'm Sorry I'm not perfect like my mother. I'm Sorry I rather be At a Cheer Gym than In a Studio. I didn't grow up like you guys and my dad. I was lied to everyday. All I ever wanted was a father that loved me and now that I've got him. I'm A totally different person, I'm SO SORRY that my mother left my dad when she found out she was pregnant, and I'M DEEPLY SORRY THAT YOU COULDN'T WATCH ME GROW UP TO BECOME WHO I AM TODAY BECAUSE I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT IF YOU DID YOU WOULDN'T BE QUESTIONING WHETHER OR NOT I'M YOUR NIECE." I didn't realize it but I was yelling and crying. I tried to walk away but my dad grabbed my arm.

"Dad Please let go I need to be alone." He let go and I walked out of the house into the back yard. I sat on the edge of the pool Geronimo Followed me outside.

I looked up in the sky and saw it had gotten really dark, the moon was out and the stars were in the sky.

"Meme, I know you hear me. I hope I'm not a disappointment to you. I wish My aunts loved me as much as Daddy does. I don't understand why she's not as welcoming as I thought"

"I don't think you would be a disappointment to Meme, I'm sorry I wasn't as welcoming as you thought I would be. I hope you can accept this apology and come back inside." I turned around to see my Aunt Tahiti standing there.

"Why did you doubt me in the first place?"

"I think I was shocked that Bruno had a kid and a beautiful one at that."

"I do Accept your apology and I'll come back in."

Tahiti stuck her hand out to helped me up. I gave her a hug after and to my surprise she hugged me back. I walked in the house with G following me and my aunt following him.

I don't understand why she ever Doubted me in the beginning. Well welcome to the Hernandez Family.

My Father, Peter Gene HernandezWhere stories live. Discover now