Chapter 4: New York!! Part 2

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~Urbana's POV~

"Well, For one you glowing like I was when I was pregnant, Two you look like you've gained some weight and, Three you've been drinking water all night and haven't even looked at a glass of wine."

"Well... I guess I just have to say it..."- She grabbed Bruno's hand and quickly ran up the stairs so they can look down on everyone-" EVERYBODY QUIET!!!!!" Jessica screamed. Everyone quickly stopped talking and gave all their attention to Bruno and Jessica.

~Jessica's POV~

It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"I have a special announcement to make"

I told Bruno to act like he had no clue what was going on.

"Bruno doesn't know this until now, but..."- I grabbed Bruno's hand and placed it on my stomach- "you're going to be a dad."

Bruno went through with our plan and acted like he didn't know; His family went wild. Bruno pulled me in for a hug but I pushed him away.

"I know you told Phil. I'm packing as soon as everyone leaves."

~Bruno's POV~

I was so shocked that Jessica told everyone, I just wanted to give her a hug. I pulled her in for a hug but she pushed me away. I'm so confused.

" I know you told Phil, I'm packing as soon as everyone leaves."

"Jessica, I didn't tell Phil I promise, I wanted to but I didn't, Please Jessica don't leave."

"I can't live with someone who is going to lie right to my face."

"Jessica you have to believe me I never told Phil, I wanted to so bad but I didn't because I want to be in my child's life."

"I don't care, I made up my mind, I'm flying to New York, The first flight I can get I'm out."

"Well Thank You for ruining my Birthday as well as my life in less than an hour."

"You're very welcome, Don't call me or anything, I don't want you in my life or my child's life."

"Jessica Please!"

"No Bruno, I'm going to go pack."

Jessica was soon done packing, everyone but my sisters,my brother,my dad, and Phil left. I heard Jessica pulling her suitcase down the hallway, when she was walking down the stairs with the bags, Everyone looked at me.

"Jessica? Where are you going?" Phil Asked

"I'm surprised Bruno hasn't told you, He tells you everything else."

~Phil's POV~

"Jessica, What are you talking about, Bruno hasn't told me anything."

"Phil,it's over. You don't have to cover up for Bruno any more. I'm out."

"What about the baby and Bruno, Your child can't grow up without a Dad."

"Yes It can, and It will,"

"Bruno! What is she talking about?"

"Before you came Jess told me she was pregnant, She then told me not to tell anyone or she would get the first flight to New York. When you came up to us earlier with Urbana, Jessica thought that I told you and now she's going to New York."

"And you're not going to stop her!?"

"I tried, Once she has her mind set on something, she goes through with it no matter what anyone says or does."

"Well, I'll go talk to her."

"No use. She will Just want to take off even more."

"So you're just going to let her take your unborn child across the country so you never get to see them and never be in your child's life."

"Phil! I tried to stop her,I really did. She doesn't realize the it's hurting me. I find out I'm going to be a dad and then I'm told I'm not wanted in my child's life. Bro it hurt like hell it really does. Now there is going to be another child thinking 'why doesn't my daddy love me' when really I love my child with all my heart and I don't even know if it's a boy or a girl or even what it's name is going to be."

Bruno started crying like a baby, I felt so bad for him.

"Bro, Don't worry. I'll be there for you no matter what okay? I don't care if we are arguing or if we are just hanging around, if you want to talk just let me know okay?"

"I just don't understand why I deserve this. I didn't do anything but love Jessica."

"Bruno, It's going to be okay. I promise. I got your back no matter what , just know I'm only a phone call away."

"Thanks Phil, That means a lot."

That's when everyone heard the front door slam shut and all of Jessica's bags were gone.

My Father, Peter Gene HernandezWhere stories live. Discover now