Chapter 10: Your Voice is Amazing

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~Bruno's Pov~
I woke up in the middle of the night because my phone kept going off and I didn't want it to wake up Angelina. I checked my phone and it was Phil and Eric. They sent me pictures.I was scared to open the pictures, but at my own risk I did and they were pictures of Angelina and I sleeping. Me and my Munchkin. The pictures were really cute. I silenced my phone and went back to bed.

~4 hours later~
I woke up and Angelina wasn't in bed but I was and I was at the foot if the bed. What happened?? I walked out to see that she had made breakfast. It still warm, there was steam coming off the food. I didn't see Angelina but I did hear her. She was singing in the shower but then the water turned off. And she continued singing. Her voice was amazing. She was singing Somewhere in Brooklyn.
"And I hope we do, Somewhere in Brooklyn."
Then she started  singing It will Rain.

I couldn't believe how beautiful and amazing her voice was.

~Angelina's POV~
I realized my dad was sleeping and it didn't seem like he was getting up anytime soon. So I got up and made some breakfast. I looked at my dad from the dinning area and he was tossing and turning and he rolled to the end of the bed. I was just waiting for him to fall. But he didn't so I decided to get in the shower. It was too quiet so I started singing Somewhere in Brooklyn, then as I finished up my shower I started singing It will Rain. I got out of the shower and go dressed and left my hair down. I walked out of the bathroom to be greated by my dad smiling like a creep.
"Nothing, Just admiring the fact that my daughter can sing, just like your old man."
"You have one thing right you're old but I can NOT  sing."
"Hey! I'm not old!"
"Uh Yeah you are"
"Yeah,Okay,but I still have style."
"Of a teenage girl"

When I said that my dad and  I started laughing like crazy.
"You're gonna get it"
I hugged my dad and said,
"No, You love me too much. Remember, you said I'm your munchkin."
"Yes I do remember, and you will always be my munchkin." Then my dad kiss my head.
"Do you enjoy using my shampoo?"
"Hey! It smells good why not?"

~Bruno's POV~
When I finally got to hear Angelina sing I couldn't believe it. Her voice was amazing. I'm happy to admit that her voice is better than mine. I'm definitely considering on letting her sing on stage with the band and I.
I would definitely have to talk to Phil and the band about it.
"Well, I'm going to eat my breakfast. Thanks making it."
"That's not for you it's for me."
"I'm kidding I already ate"
"Oh okay"
Angelina walked into the backroom and closed the door. I took this time to quickly call Phil.
"Yo, wassup Bro"
"Yo Phil I woke up and I heard Angelina singing. Her voice. It's amazing, her voice is better than mine. We need to talk about this face to face. When's our next pit stop.
" In like 5 minutes, we are starting to run low on gas"
"Okay,Then you and the band can come on our bus and listen to her sing.I will let her know,If she's up for it I wanna get her on stage with us.
" I don't know, I'll have to hear her for myself. "
"You're gonna love her ,I gotta go."
"Alright man I'll talk to you later."
"Alright, Tell the rest of the guys."
"Alright bye man,"
~End ifconversation ~
I can't believe my dad thinks I can sing. I'm a horrible singer.But anyway,It's been Three Days since I moves in with my Dad and I'm starting to miss my mom.
I know I shouldn't but I do. She didn't even try to stop me when I left. She actually helped me pack up the bus with my stuff. I don't care she means nothing to me anymore.she lied to me my whole life.
I'm going to tell Angelina that the guys are coming over and tell her that we need to talk. I walk over to the room and knocked on the door.
"Come in"
"Hey Munchkin. I just wanted to let you know the guys are coming over soon and we are stopping at a gas station."
"Okay,I have to go in and pick some stuff up,like snacks and drinks and stuff like that."
"Okay,How much so you need?"
"What do you mean?"
"How much money do you need?"
"I'm fine, I have a bank card and some extra cash on me."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, My grandparents put over one thousand dollars in my bank account every month."
"Really, Wow!!!"
"Yes. I don't mind having them put money in my account,but I rather work for it. Like doing chores and stuff."
"Oh,okay.I can get you some chores to do on the buses, and pay you 40 bucks every week, how does that sound?"
"Perfect,I will do anything,besides bathrooms.Yuck!"
I laughed at the fact,she's such a girly girl.
The bus soon came to a stop and we we are at the gas station.
"Ange, we are at the gas station."
"Kay Kay Padre."
With that Angelina put her shoes on and ran off the bus with her phone and wallet in hand.

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