Chapter 45: Practice, Practice, Practice

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~Angelina's Pov~

~The Next Day~

Practice starts in about 2 hours and my dad and I are starting our laps and conditioning.

"Ready?" I asked my dad.

"No, But I still have to do it."

"We can take as long as we have to. Practice doesn't start for another 2 hours."

"Lets go!" We started running our 10 laps and we were  on lap 5 when my dad started struggling.

"Breath, Take a seconds to breath I need to get my inhaler." I ran upstairs and got my inhaler. I need to keep one downstairs. I went back in the gym and my dad was running.

 "What number lap?"


"Two more. Lets go! You can do it!"

I started running my 5 laps and my dad finished.

"Conditioning. Start with bear crawls."

I finished my laps and started my conditioning. I did my bear crawls and everything else and I took a breather.

"Take a breather, Practice starts in a half hour. Lets go see if anyone is here."

We went upstairs and opened he door. I went in the kitchen and got watermelon. I could eat a whole watermelon to myself. I love watermelon.

Tiara and Presley walked in, then Uncle E and Uncle Phil and their families, and Jaime and Tahiti and their families.


"Yeah," Everyone said

"Let's go," I walked downstairs with everyone following.

"10 Laps, Let's go."

Everyone started running. my dad sat next to me on the floor.

"You enjoy bossing everyone around huh?"

"I like to be in charge, yes."

He chuckled.

"Let's Go! No one should be slacking!"

"Why is Uncle Bruno sitting?" Mila asked as she was running.

"He finished his laps and conditioning before everyone came. Liam! Let's go! I yelled at Liam as he started walking.

"Leave me alone."

"Come sit Liam."

"Oh my goodness."Laim said as he walked over to me.

"3 more laps you're almost done."

"Liam come with me. Dad make sure they do their conditioning correctly."  I said as I walked out the door with liam.

"Let's have a talk. If you aren't going to give it your all, 110%, You can leave. Leave your attitude out of that gym and just because your older than me by a year doesn't mean anything. When we are in that gym I'm your coach and I will not allow you to disrespect me."

"Okay, I'm Sorry,"

"This is you first warning. 3 strikes your out buddy."

"Okay. It won't happen again."

I walked in the gym and everyone was conditioning.

"Liam you still have 4 laps, Get moving!"

Mila was done with her conditioning and she took a water break.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, Just needed a drink."

"Okay." Everyone finished conditioning besides Liam.

"Water break, Than we are going to talk about what we have to work on."

I got my markers and wrote every ones name and put 3 boxes next to them. I put a nice big red check mark in one box nest to Liam's name.

"I'm gonna let you guys know now. If you don't want to be on this team, there's the door show yourself out. I don't need you guys acting childish." I announced.

"We are gonna be working on tumbling, jumps, and formations."

My Dad asked a question, "When is our competition?"

"Our first competition is in 8 months, than we have World's Championship in Disney World."

"So we have 8 months to get a perfect routine?"

"Yup, Now can I get 4 lines. I want the boys in 2 lines and the girls in 2 lines."

"What are you doing?"


~20 minutes later~

"We've got farther than I thought we would."

"Can we do tumbling?" Mila asked.

"Yes, but first I need the boys on that side of the gym." I said pointing to the left side.

"Girls I wanna see how good your toe touches are."


~5 Minutes later~

"You guys have good jumps I want you guys to stretch and If you do any kind of tumbling to practice."

"Boys!" The boys stopped goofing around and looked at me.

"10 push ups"

"What""Come on"" Really"

"Stop complaining, you can leave."

My dad and Phil struggled with their push ups.

So I had to show them how it's done. I got down and did 10 push ups and counted out loud.

"And that's how it's done." I said standing up.

"Guys it's only the second day of practice, get you act together."

This is going to be one stressful season.

~Author's Note~

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I was writing the rest of the fan fiction and I got some good news... It's finished. Don't worry there is still many many chapters until the end. 1 year, 255 pages, 2.59k reads, and many sleepless nights later I am finally done with my fan fiction. It was a bittersweet moment, I was happy to finally be done and It was weird looking back with my friend and talking about the day I started writing. I'm just so I happy I can share it with many other hooligans. Stay tuned for the rest of this fan fiction that I worked very hard on. Thank you so much. To my readers I love you guys so much, Share this story to all your hooligan friends, comment and Follow. Talk to you guys soon.

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