Chapter 43: I Love You

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~ Angelina's POV~
~Next Morning~

I woke up to my phone ringing.


"Good Morning Beautiful" As soon as he said that I knew It was Dakota.

"Good Morning."

"Did I wake you up?"

"Yea, But it's fine I need to get up anyway."

"Well, I'm sorry for waking  you up."

"It's okay."

"So How has it been being back home?"

"Good I guess. I miss you like crazy."

"I miss you too."

"When is the next time I'm going to see you?"

"I don't know, But We're planning to go to Colorado in a couple months. Maybe I'll make a stop in California."


"Of coarse, How has cheerleading been?"

"Good, First practice was yesterday. no one died so that's good." He chuckled.

"God, I miss you Dakota." I said starting to get emotional.

"Don't worry, I'll see you in a couple months."

"I don't know if I can wait a couple months."

"Don't worry it will go by quickly, than we can see each other and everything will be okay."


"Will I hear your voice later?"

"Yea, I have to make the schedule with the team and maybe I'll Facetime you later."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later.'

"Alright, Talk to you later."

"Love you, Bye." And he hung up.

Wait did he just say 'Love You'. I'm so confused, OMG!! He just said love you. This is crazy.

~Dakota's POV~

I just told Angelina I loved her. Is it too early in our relationship. Absolutely we've only been going out for almost a month. She's going to break up with me. I can't loose her. She's everything I want in a girlfriend. I just need to breathe. Maybe she didn't hear it, maybe she was still half asleep and maybe she thinks she was dreaming.

~Angelina's POV ~

I got out of bed and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and my dad was on the phone with someone and he was sitting on the breakfast bar in the kitchen. I smacked his leg and whisper "Get Down". He jumped down and sat in the living room. I opened the fridge and grabbed a water. And sat on the couch next to my dad. he continued to talk on the phone and I sat there waiting. Why did it sound like that was Dakota on the other side of the conversation.

"Of course Bud, You can stay with us."

What? Who is my Dad talking to?

My dad hung up with whoever it was.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"No one."

"If it was no one than why do they want to stay with us."

"Don't worry about it, when the person comes you'll see them."

"I should get some say, I do live here too."

"I pay for everything in this house."

"But what if I don't feel comfortable with this person, maybe I don't like them."

"You'll  like them."

"Do I know them?"


"Why can't you just tell me? uggg! Any way I'm going downstairs."


 I went downstairs and worked on the routine. With less than level one tumbling, it's hard. I might need to have a all girls practice to see what I'm working with. I have level 4 skills so I could easily Max out our points. Jumps? We have to work on those. Stunting? We have to work on that too. I turned on our music and did the dance. I fixed some part and added some parts. I texted the group chat that scheduling will be at 6 and I'm going to need the girls to plan on staying a little longer. Everyone agreed and I recorded myself doing the dance. I made another group chat for just the girls and sent them the video.

"This is the dance. How do you like it? Nothings final I'll probably make changes."

Everyone gave positive feedback. I made another group chat for the guys.

" I'm going to send the music  your guys way. Give me Feedback."

Uncle E sent me a text , "That's our music?"


"It's awesome."


 I still have to figure out the guys part of the dance. One Step At a Time.

My Father, Peter Gene HernandezWhere stories live. Discover now