An Unexpected Meeting

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We heard a monstrous howl coming with the wind from the mountains.
Aegnor stopped immediately looking around.


"Morgoths wolves.No mere wolf howls like this"Glorfindel said.

"My lord we should go into the forest! They must be close.Theres many as i can hear them!" Ecthelion advised.

"How we didn't notice earlier?! The wind was coming toward us from their way all this time!"Aegnor muttered.

"Turn to the forest! We'll run to the circle!" He announced. We started running.

The growls and howls were coming closer from behind.

Ecthelion and Glorfindel had searched the area earlier and found nothing and senced anything coming. But now we were chased by wolves.

How could this happen? That wasn't supposed to happen! Nothing like thsi happened in the book! It was because if my desision?

"What kind of sorcery they used to come here without noticing them? We should have spoted them a long time ago coming from the North even if they used their magic to cover themselves! Is this planned? Or they're coming for the King?"(she means Thingol)Aredhel said like a response in my thoughts.

"I didn't sence anything all this time.."Galadriel murmured with a clearly consered expression on her face.

We ran towards the trees were they would lost us.

"My lord we'll go back to hold them! You can escape with the ladies! We can't hope that the guards of the forest will help us!" Ecthelion said.

"I know!But we're faster! We'll reach the gate without sacrificing you! We're close!"Aegmor responded.

"No my lord they're already here!"Glorfindel said from the other side.

Suddenly a huge wolf cut out our way jumping in front of us with his jaws open roaring.

Aegnor stopped and along with  Glorfindel and Ecthelion drew their swords.

The wolf step back for a moment watching Aegnor standing tall and bright in the front .

"Protect the ladies!" He commanded and they made circle around us.

"The ladies can protect themselves!" Aredhel mocked and took out her bow. Galadriel was holding a long dagger i never saw before.

I grabbed too the small dagger Maedhros gave me i had hidden.All this time i used it only to spread the butter on my bread.Now it was the time for me to use it for real..

"I'll protect you my lady" Tristan whispered behind me and drew his sword.

Howls were coming closer behind us.

"They'll trap us !"Glorfindel yelled.

"They won't" Aegnor said.

The wolf growled and jumped 
upon him in order to attack to us on the center. But then Aredhel without flinching at all drew her bow swiftly hitting the wolf on the eye.
The beast fell aside dead in less than a second .

"My lady you killed him!" Ecthelion said in a suprised tone.

"Wasn't I supposed to do so?" Aredhel responded.

"Even you killed him we don't have the time to run away from his friends" Aegnor murmured.

By this time the wolves finally arrived.

The were enormous beasts bigger than the biggest bear with bloody fangs and claws and their eyes were shining red in rage.
The one that we saw at first was the smaller of them. They passed by and then turned encircling us.

it seemed they had their attention somewhere else at first.
They're chasing something else before they got in our way.
A small voice called for help.

An elf crawling on the ground covered in blood .
That was not in the book for sure.
"Help me please" begged reaching with his hand towards us.
A wolf jumbed upon him with jaws open to finish him off but a sword sliced it's throat .
It was Aegnor

"Protect the ladies! Fight!"

"Give the prisoner to us and well let you flee" said the biggest wolf to Aegnor and stepped over the corpse of the killed wolf.
I had almost forgot that in Silmarillion the Werewolves could actually talk like elves and humans.

"You shall not command me Morgoths dog!" Aegnor yelled and raised his sword.

"Then i shall take you too to him!" The wolf said and attacked him. The other wolves did too jumping instantly towards us from all the sides.

Everyone started fighting for their lives.
Exept me being in the middle with a small knife doing nothing at all.

I had to do something.. i couldn't just sit there watching . Maybe i could help the fallen elf whike rge wolves were interested fighting the others.
I tried to turn my horse and break out of the protective circle while watching for an opening.

"Watch out!" Tristam yelled as a wolf jumbed upon us. An arrow pierced his eye and he fell dead. Aredhel. Again.

"Thanks for the help!"

Tristan came closer .

"Don't worry my lady I'll protect you ! Just stay here in the middle! There's no need for you to fight!"

"But he needs help!"

"Stay here !we'll finish the wolves first!"

Unfortunately a wolf bumped on my horse by accident causing me to fall over. The wolf was busy fighting Aegnor and i wasn't in danger for this moment but staying on the ground couldn't help me survive either.

I crawled away from there trying to avoid anything that could kill me by stepping at me still holding my knife at hand.

Then I realised it was actually a very bad idea.
I was outside the circle and away from my horse. Where's my mind when i need it?!

Yelling to help only could cause me a bigger problem as i would draw the wolves attention immediately

They hadn't see me yet. So I could do something useful until then. I looked around to spot the injured elf and run towards it. If i couldn't fight at least I could help him.

I kneeled beside him.
It was an ellon as i could see. His condition was pretty bad. He was covered in blood and his clothers where torn apart. Old wounds and fresh bites was all over his body.He must have been a prisoner of Morgoths for a long time before trying to escape from him.

The fallen elf raised his head looking me in the eyes.

"whats your name?" I asked while trying to figure out where it was his biggest wound to cover.

" lady.."

To be continued...✳️

*Seregon is the name of a plant with blood red flowers that grew on Amon Rûdh*

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now