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After i revealed Tristan what happened to his brother Sanya and i were returning to the healers tent.
I wanted some time too after all this. I desided go for a walk alone outside the camp but not too far away.

I wanted to explore more but i couldn't leave yet. And i didn't want too. I had to tell sanya first i couldn't just disappear. I wanted a break again. Some facts happened the same day and then huge breaks appeared and that was tiring.

I sat in the only rock which was higher than the grass staring at the stars of varda. (If i tried to sit on the grass no-one would notice i was there)I started thinking about my past life. How the time was in the other side? It was the same? Or if i return everything and everyone will be older? I was thinking of my cat being alone at home. My friends searching me. And i didn't knew how to return. Or tell them I'm fine.

I didn't want to go now. But i couldn't stay forever. I was not an elf. I didn't new if I'll stay the same or I'll grow up here. I was still a human.

Maybe melian knew as a Mair how i ended up here or why. I had to go to doriath one day. Not be late though.

Someone sat beside me. I thought it was Sanya. I was wrong. It was Maglor. (I have no idea why desided to came here)

"Well well! The singer came for a midnight ballad under the stars?" I said hironically.

"Said the girl who supposed stay in the camp yet "he completed.

"I wanted some alone time! I didn't go far!"

"So do you want me to leave?"

"Nah.. its fine! At least i can communicate with you normally!"

"That's a compliment?"

"Not for your brothers for sure!"

"It was a mess in the council"

"Yeah someone doesn't like me as it seems!"

"But i do!"

"I know..." This was an akward silence. I didn't knew if he flirted me or he thinks i flirt him but i only trusted him (like a friend)and nothing more(and i have no idea how elves flirt bytheway)

"Do you wanna hear a song?"

"Hm..let me think..i have no problem but if you wanna sing with you then nope!i have a horrible voice!"

"Dont worry! I'll sing then alone!"

Then he started singing with his amazing deep voice about the stars of Varda on the sky. And his song became like a dream ,an illusion in frond of my eyes telling me a story about the age of the Trees ,when everything was going well.

And when he started singing about the Trees in Valinor a huge silver light came from the west almost covering the shine of the stars

The Moon make his first appearance in Middle Earth. Maglor stoped singing and we stayed staring at the sky for few minutes.

"Valar didn't forfet us!The light of Telperion still alive in his flower!"

"And with the moon after sun will make his appearance..but not yet"

"I still can't understand how do you know all af these!i know human dont have these powers!"

"And how are you're so sure we dont have?"

"I read your mind! I knew you were lying! You dont have any powers right?"

"Ah..well i dont! But i told you the truth! I cant tell you were i know this because..."


"Because if the future change I'll dont know what will happen next anymore! "

"And what will happen next?"

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now