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We went outside. The next day would be crucial for the Three houses(Feanor's, Fingolfin's and Finarfin's).

"We have to go back to Lord Maglor and tell him what we have to say!" Idwar said.

"Yeah.." I wanted to stay more ,to meet Galadriel and Adherel who they wasn't in the tents with their brothers. But i had no time to do so.

Fortunately it didn't took much time to say what we had to say. When  Fingolfin was talking i was not able to look him in the eyes or anyone else there,  i was too excited to see them so if i did look at them i couldn't talk like a normal person. (brain freeze like the first time)

No need of description lines...

"Oh! You're back! So what happened? Did they accept our friendship?" Maglor asked.

"They did! Even after what happened before they wanted to reunite again!" Emyr said.

"They ask..they want.. they demanded a council tomorrow the same hour in their tent. "I mumbled.

"Of course a council is needed.  But im not sure if will end like one. My brothers are not  fully agreed with my opinion to reunite with our relatives. They may be angry during the council. "

"Will be a close council or will take with you other lords?"Idwar asked

"No they wanted only me and our brothers.  This is a family matter"

"As you say my lord!"

"You can leave now!I have to reveal the news to my brothers. "
I turned my back ready to return to my comfortable bed for a  second sleep( like the second breakfast) when..

"Not you Alex!"

"What?"i stopped and looked  Maglor with a straight face.

"You did well  today but you can't come tomorrow in the council! You're not a Noldor not even an elf and i dont know if they are ready to accept you!"

"I know! There's no problem! Id prefer to sleep these hours!"

"Did they notice you're not a human? Did they see your ears?"

"No i had my hair down I don't think they saw them."

"Fine! But i want do not go to their camp today before the council! They may suspect that you're trying to do something 'evil' especially Caranthir"

"He spoke to you...he told you...about?

"Yeah he warned me about you ! He doesn't trust you ! If he try to hurt you though come and tell me imidietly! Some times he doesn't control his rage!"

"I know hes a bit..ah..coward. He.."

"What ? What troubles you?"

"Nothing just.. nevermind.. im fine!"

"Okay.. you can go now!"

I didn't want to tell him what Caranthir said this night after the Moon rose. I didn't want them to argue this serious situation. And then  blame me for it.

Nonetheless i could proof in time i was not a spy to all of them
But sometimes with all this pressure especially in the beginning i just wanted to disappear and go home. I wished Maglor didn't read my mind again (im sure he tried though).

I wanted to stay with them. I needed time to rest from my another life. Maybe if i just let the situation flow and luck maybe bring it as i wanted to be. I had not to be hurry.

I went outside. How horrible the council could be? day...

I woke up early because outside someone was yelling. They couldn't find their favourite  red tunic or something?! People were sleeping  they could be more quiet!

I decided to go outside and find on my own what the heck what happening put there.

Outside there was no light but the sun had to rise already. And she did( the sun is called she in Silmarillion*). But dark couds and thick mist didn't let the light pass.

"What the..?!What happened?"
Asked another voice next to me. It was Gwental. Genically i didn't spoke si much with the co-workers of Sanya except she wasn't in the tent for a reason. I was shy to start the conversation with them so i avoided to.

"Morgoths trick obviously! Hes  scared of the sun!"

"The light cant pass! Did he make this to send his army without anyone notice?"

"This is a good idea if you was in his side! "

"I can't understand if this is a compliment.."

"You have not to understand.. im going back to sleep! Wake me up in two hours!"

"Really?! You're thinking only to sleep now?!"

"I cant chase the clouds with my breath so ..." I did exactly what i said.
I slept for two more hours. And then Gwental came to wake me up. I thought it was him firstly. When i opend my eye(one eye only)i saw Sanya.

"They want you!"

"They want what from me? My ingenious mind? Or my extraordinary beauty?" I lied covering my face with my arm trying to be dramatic.

"None of this! They just want to go to the council!"

"What? They said i can't go! They can't live without me?" I continue the fake drama.

"I have no idea!But if you don't go imidietly I'll wake you up every morning at six o'clock!"

"Do you wanna make a deal? You won! I'll go! I'll expect to have the breakfast ready when im back!"
I said and stood up.

"Of course m lady!"she said hironically.

To be continued...✳️

* The Sun and the Moon are the flowers of the Two Trees ,Laurelin the Golden and Telperion the Silver one. Because they were destroyed (the trees) by Morgoth only two flowers of each tree survived and rose in the sky to bring light in Arda. Arien was keeping the golden flower and Tlion the silver.

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now