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We went outside.
"I'm sure now Caranthir saying thinks about me like:<<you shouldn't trust her fools! She's gonna betray us!>>or<<She's planing killing us in our sleep>> " i said making the discusted face he makes when is talking about me.

Sanya laughed."You're funny when you get angry!"

"Thanks!" I groned pretending to be angry with her also.

"Stop now! I know you wanna make me laugh!"

"Let's go for a walk now! Maybe they'll think i stay outside to spy them!"i suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea. "

We started walking away from the tent to a random direction. We stayed too much hour outside the tent for no reason laughing and i was almost sure they thought I was making a new evil plan.

"Oh crap! I forgot! I have to give to Gareth's brother his cape!" I yelled and stopped immediately  "
"I cant keep it! May he don't even know his brother died!"

"Maybe i can ask a guard if he know his brother! We cannot walk through the camp yelling to find him right?"

"Yeah! You ask!"

"Of course. "
After a seven mitute walk we reached the north side were it was guarded after what happend. Obviously Sanya knew the guards or she was too confident than me.

Sanya got closer to the right guard and asked him something. The guard shook his head and pointed to a tent.

"What did he tell you? Do he know him?"

"He told me that a guy named Irfan maybe knows where is he now!in this tent over there!"

"Guess who's gonna ask again!"

"I understand! The next time is your turn!"

She approached the tent alone and get in. I waited for a minute. She went outside.

"Well?! He knows?"

"Yes! Hes ten tents west and tree south!"

"That's. .coordinates .or..?"


We have to walk again.(boring)
We find out finally were his tent was after 20 minutes walk and a 5 minute argument if was that one tent in front of us or ot was the right one.

"It your turn now to ask!"Danya said and crossed her arms.

"Really?! Aww... fine! I'll do it! "
I took a breath to fill my mind with confidence (it didn't work as i was expecting to do but it helped me).

"Is anybody there?" I asked standing outside the door(because i couldn't just go in im not a jerk)

"Who's there?"a male voice asked

"I bring news for Gareth your brother!"
Suddenly a man came out looking at me puzzled. He wore a red tunic (propably) and he had dark hair and eyes(as the most Noldor elves have)

"Who are you? Do you know were my brother is? The Lords send you here?"

"A...Hi!... I'm Alex! And yes i know your brother... isn't better go inside? To sit?"

"Of course come in"
Sanya didn't say anything to come in with me. And i think she choose right it was better to go alone.

The man sat next to me to a chair.
"What happened?"

"I'm sorry..I bring bad news for your brother"

"What? Is he hurt? I didn't saw him in the battle!"

I pulled out the cape and hold it in my hands. He stared at it .

"Is he dead?!"

"He died with glory and pride in the battle! He tried to defend the north side of the camp alone.He killed many but... He didn't make it ". Silence fell for some seconds.

"When he died? Were is his body now?"

"He died the first day of the battle. The healers burried him where he died."
His eyes started filling with tears.

"I can understand....this is yours now! It was from your brother...i kept it for you" He took it slowly and then hugged it like it was his brother.

"I thought if i was in the firtst line of the battle  he'll be safe! But he died..and i didn't even obviated to say good bye,to hold his hand!...."

"I hold it for you!I was here! He was a good guard and person."

"....Thank you for everything.. after all this i forgot to tell you my name too.My name is Tristan(by they way i searched names with meaning : Gareth means gentle and Tristan means sad idk if its true for real tho)"

"If you want i can show you were your brother is burred but i think you mus thave some alone time. Maybe tomorrow or even the other week"

"Tomorrow is fine .. I'll find it myself!"

"I've noting more to reveal!..I have to go now..."

I went outside feeling a little dizzy. I cant hold that much family drama.

"Well? Did you tell him?" Sanya asked me.

"Yes...He knows now the truth.."

We heard "someone"  crying behind us. We stared at each other (akward scene yk).

"We have to go now! You did what you had to do."

To be continued...✳️

I know dome chapters are bigger than other but i dont want to have a big chapter messing up many thinks so that's why i make new and smaller...

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now