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*family drama contained*

The night passed peacefully.
I didn't woke up during the night nor Maedhros did(and i he did i would have wake up too). The morning Sanya came and brought breakfast for me and Maedhros. She also said that Maglor would come.
And Maglor came.

He peeked his head in the tent looking around curious.

"Come in. I was waiting for you!" I said making a sign with my head.

"Your brother is here" i anounsed to Maedhros to be prepared (even i had already told him).

Maglor came closer slowly.
The two siblings stared at each other for a moment.

"I came to see you brother.." Maglor murmured.

Maedhros didn't say anything ,he just stayed staring at him.

"I missed you brother. We missed you. Everyone. "


"We thought you were dead and i had to take the leadership of Noldor as a King but even i tried to I can't be like you. But now you're here. With us..."

"Don't try to apologize. Why you wanted to see me?" Maedhros finally spoke.

"I'm your .. brother.. You're my brother who thought it was dead, I had to see you!! I can't leave you alone!What kind of brother could do this?"

"You can't leave me? So why you didn't come while i was up there?! Why you didn't tried to find me before? Hm brother? Why you didn't come? Or anyone else of my brothers? I have six of you!"

"I... I didn't want to leave you! We tried! We tried! We send messengers everywere to bring help to unite all our forces to take you back! But Morgoth's mist holded us back!"

"You tell me that the mighty sons of Feanor stopped because of the mist? That your explanation for abandoning me up there?"

"It's more complicated than you think.." Maglor murdered trying to get closer to his brother.

"My own blood betrayed me! My own brothers left me to die! That what you call someone brother?!" Maedhros yelled.

"I know i didn't acted that braverly. That i didn't came myself there to save you like Fingon did! I know! I know I'm a horrible brother! But I tried! I tried Maedhros! I was thinking of it all day! It was killing me! I could never be like you! Please..forgive me!" Maglor begged holding Maedhros hand knelling beside the bed.

"I was thinking of you too.. But noone came! How can i forgive you for this?!"

"Please.. Let's be a family again.. Forgive me!"


"Fingon saved you to bring our families together! Please don't turn us away!"

"Fingon... Nevermind... I can't be a King anymore...nor I can't forgive you now for your acts. Go now brother. I wanna stay in silence.." Maedhros murmured looking at the other side.

Maglor bowed and stood up.

"I'll be to your side everyday brother. Forever. I promise." He said before he left.

"I hope you'll keep your words brother..." Maedhros  muttered.

Silence fell for a minute.

"This tine you didn't yell that much. This is a good sign."

"Do i have the courage to yell you think?"

"Why you had the courage to yell at Fingon?! I don't think so. You just needed time to calm down and see clear. You couldn't yell at your brother this time" i said.

"My brother.."

"Yes.. You know family some times doesn't mean blood bonds. Family is people near us who we love. And love us back. Fingon is that person for you"

"He was.."

"He still... I know you still love him even you think he hurted you. Like you acted to Maglor you have to repair your frienship with him"

"You know nothing" he growled.

"Okay then. One friend less for you. At least you have six brothers." I said hironically.

"Wait. You're not gonna continue your speech about Fingon?" Maedhros said looking at me a bit surprised.

"No. There's no need to repeat thinks we already spoke for. Nonetheless our conversation till now leaded to argue soo... No"

"It's better when you're not talking"

I smirked.

"You too"

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now