A Helping Hand

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After the Kings party at the camp for his coronation the King arranged a council for the next week for all the members of the three houses including me (the only one outside the family who could participate ) ,to discuss. He didn't say exactly the reason or what we would discuss for ,he was the King after all we could not ask more this time.

In this one week i had free to spend before the meeting  i desided to ask Fingon a favor. Just a little one to return my help when he escaped the camp.

I left our tent early afternoon to find him. Alone. Sanya didn't come it was a matter between me and Fingon.

Hopefully I had not to search him for mych time ,he was just chilling in his tent reading a book .
For second time i forgot to knok before entering.

"Good afternoon Alex? What brings you there? Did something happen?" Fingon asked and stood leaving his book on the side.

"Not at all......No. That's a lie. There's a problem. Can i sit?" I asked .

"Yes. Of course!"Fingon responded and pulled the chair beside his bed closer.

"It's about Maedhros. You stayed with me many times this year to help me. We tried to convince him to be a king again. Yesterday he gave his title to your father. We can't change it know. Although... He still haven't touched a sword yet. Doesn't that consern you?"

"It does. I didn't expect from him to deny his crown. I didn't try to go against him because of his stubbornes. It was his choice. The whole year i tried he didn't accept any offers of my training. You think he'll accept it now?"

"Why not? I didn't find the time to tell you before the ride about this matter so.. I'm here today. Never is late for anything. I don't give up on him. Nor i think you do"

"I don't. Hes stubborn and its gonna be difficult. I think if we let him a little space...He didn't change his mind about the crown so.."

"There's not time for this. Morgoth waited one year! You think hes gonna wait another one? We're lucky he's afraid of the sun but soon he'll go out of his filthy dungeons and attack! We need Maedhros now! I tell you to make him a warrior again. Because he may wear no crown anymore but he's still a warrior!"

"You're right.Nonetheless I can't just walk and tell him that he have to be trained again!"

"Hypothetically....you can"i said with a smirk.

"What are you thinking ? I see in your ehes you have a plan" Fingon smirked back.

"To make him fight you have to wake his stubbornes and make it trun against you. We have to turn his disadvantage to an advantage for us! What about a fake fight?!"

"You want me to fake an argument so well fight?"


"Arguing for what?"

"Whatever you want but you must be convincing!"

"I have a lot of time left to argue with my cousin. It'll be fun !"

"You've got the spirit"


"If you feel ready"

"And you? How you're gonna help? I can't do all of this alone!"

"I'll just mess around with his brothers hoping this will help the situation"

"Hm?how much I'm allowed to punch him?"

"The more angrier he'll get the better. Hes gonna be alright. He just needs a helping hand" I said and I tenced my hand towards him.

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