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"The lords are waiting for you inside!" Said the guard and pushed me in.

"Thank you! The next time you must be more gentle !"i said(to the guard) ironically and i crossed my hands.

Everyone was looking at me .
"So you call me to come for what?To look at me like that?"

"We call you for a reason!Sit down!" Maedhros said and pointed at me the chair in frond of me.


"Feanor the High King of Noldor died. Now I am the New king.And i desided to give you a second chance."

"And what I have to do to gain it?"

"You'll tell us again your story and another person  will deny or approve your words if there true or not.And at the end well find out a decision about you!"

"Sanya knows! She was with me all this days!"

"I know!i knew it! " He said and pointed at the guard who stand beside him. The guard got outside and return with Sanya.

"What do you want from me my lords?"

"You have to confirm that everything she says is true or not!"

"Now you can start. "

"Eh..Im not from this word.. Im a human..."[ story...]

"She told me all of these! This is true!"

"Maybe..but you didt explain why you  escaped when my brothers tried to protect you in the battle!?" Celegorm asked.

"I just wanted to prove im not a spy and im trying to help you.And that moment my mind the only think it wanted was to escaped from him!After that i accept he was right! But it was to late to just give up and return!"

"May this is true! But another time you threatened our brother!"

"Well! He was rude, my hand was aching and i was angry with him! What im supposed to do?just let him drag me everywere he want without defending myself ? It was a joke!"

"And what proof we have youre not a servant of Morgoth's?"Curufin asked.

" if i was one of them i would do everything you want to make you my friends, learn everything about your plans ,even seduced you to take what i want! I know how women work i could follow this strategy. But im not that person!" I said. The can't just stop asking srupid questions about me?

"I gonna predent i didn't hear the word seduced...  " Ceregorm mumbled ironically. I didn't tell anythink .

"That doesn't help you so much! You just said you can do it!"

"That doesn't mean i want to! Finally whats your big problem with me?! Im gonna rob you or kill you in your sleep and then go back to morgoth? Thats make any sense!"

"Your story make any sense also! I  had to left you in the forest to starve!" Celegorm said.

"I can go by myself back if you want! If your problem is me then i leave. Morgoth may is more logical and gentle that you!"

"So you agree you're with his side! Against us!" Caranthir said.

" I.." i was so amgry this time i couldn't evdn talk like normal.

"I think.." maglor said and stood up.

"What Alex is trying to tell us is it make no sense fot a villan like morgoth to send her here wihout any weapon or special powers or even streng and wisdom to spy us! We fight each other with no reason with or without her! The girl is not our problem now! "

"Thats what i wanted to say!I didn't want to mess with you and your problems! That's why i denied your fathers proposal at the beggining! But this choice maked the situation worse! That's  why i tried to change tor mind! I know maybe i acted too exaggerating some time sbut i could make you understand in another way!"


"I agree ! And i hope everyone will agree also." Maedhros said looking at the others.

Caranthir looked at me for a moment in the eyes like a warning (if you betray us i gonna kill tou in your sleep) and then stood up.

"I do not still trust her!But I'll agree.."

"Me too.."Celegorm said.Curufin staid silent but propably he thinked the same way. Amrod and Amras didn't have anything negative to sai against me nor they said genically something in the council.

"So you silence mean you agree! The council close! I took my decision!"Maedhros told.

"She is no longer our prisoner! She's free to stay with us but not go away from the camp yet. If she betray as with any way, anyone of us claiming the oath can punishe her. "

"Aw .. great.. if i burn my food and the tent catch fire from accident im gonna die..."i mumbled.

"Now come closer!"Maedhros told me.
"That'll be the sign of our friendship!"He neeled in frond if me,(im sort yk) took of the brouch of his cape and pinned it on my right shoulder.
It was a red star with 8 rays, the symbol of house Feanor.

"Ow.. thanks...i suppose..."

"Now you can go. I have to discuss many thinks with my brothers!" He said and stood up again. 

"Let's go outside ,the council ended for us!" Sanya told me and took my hand.

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now