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"the next time you'll lie to me I'm gonna be mad. I trusted you from the first time. Now you have to apologize about it" he told me as he was taking me to the other camp.

"But i didn't lie.." i murmured.

"Don't tell me you didn't lie!I didn't want to read your heart because i trusted you! After what my brothers said i can see clear that you lied to me!" He was almost yelling and his eyes looked like fierse sea.

"Maglor i m sorry...I lied because i had to!"

"Do ask sorry from me! Fingolfin 's sorry you have to take! We'll see what you're gonna say to him!!"

He was angry because i lied the time he couldn't see clearly if it was true or not, he trusted me so he hadn't to read my heart.

I didn't wanted to lie but i had no choice. I had protect myself and make their search slower untill Fingon was enough far away so they couldn't reach him.

He pushed me in the tent. It was only Fingolfin looking above a map .

"Im here!Again"

"What happened? Why you brought thr human with you?"

"We have to talk."

"Okay. Sit"
Maglor doesn't look like he wanted to sit this moment but he did (as i did too).

"Tell me"

"Maedhros horse is gone too. Someone took it from the stall."

" So?Did you send someone to search for it?"

"Yes my brothers do this right now!I wanted to say that we'll give you less hunters because of this! But that's not the problem!"


"Huan smelled Alex and she's the one who took the horse out. The one who was around our camp the morning"

"I can't understand.."

" Celegorm also found one hair of hers in the door .Huan didn't smelled Fingon there. But Celegorm said that Huan understood that she touch another horse exept Maedhros."

"When did he tell you that? I was front!" I asked the wrong time Maglor.

"Elven magic!" Maglor said with a straight face.

"She touched a brown horse too. Fingon have a brown horse right?!"

"Yes he have.. What's is happening there?"

"I don't know! Thats why i brought her here!"

"What fo you hide from us human?"Fingolfin asked me.

"I can't tell anything about that!"

"Your silence means you're in this trouble!"

"What did you do Alex? Where's Fingon?"

"Guess yourself! You have mind to do do! All the proofs are in front of ypur eyes!"


"I'll not speak! Don't press me!"

"You could just read her eyes for the truth! Why you didn't do it?" Fingolfin asked Maglor.

"I didn't want to. I know she lied.. I don't wanna see what's the truth! You'll see yourself!"

Fingolfin looked me deep in the eyes like he was searching in my soul and then turned his stare in Maglor troubled.

"Wait a minute"He murmured.

"Two horses missing. One we find it south. The other missing..."

"I think i understand your trick!"
He said with a smirk.

"You let the one horse to think that Fingon was going south but he took the other horse to go north... You helped with the horses so he could left quickly...."

"What?"Maglor asked with a anxious face.

"You took care obviously to bring him Maedhros horse because you were already in this camp so Fingon wouldn't risk to pass from there!He choose the morning hours because then the guards change! Then you set his horse free in the fields.It is a whole plan!"

"Wait if Fingon is going north then...?"

" going to find Maedhros!"

"What? Is this true!?" Maglor asked me.

"I can't speak" i said again.

"Why he's going alone? Why all this just to leave?!"Maglor asked Fingolfin.

"He knew I'll not let him go! But he also knew that he couldn't do anything alone!..What did you do to him?"he turned in my side

"Me?! nothing! He had the mind and the heart to do anything! He was bored sitting there doing nothing!"

"But now he'll go there and Die! Because he wanted to do something!"

"At least he tried and if he died he died like a real desentan of Finwe! Who faced Morgoth itself!Not talking about lifeless crowns and chairs!Not wanting help and waiting for it without acting!"

Silence fell..

My words maybe were hard for them but it was the truth. Fingon tried that others couldn't even think without being scared.

"I didn't want to lie but i had to keep my word. I'm sorry even you may not count it.." i continued.

"You have to keep your word by breaking another?" Maglor asked.

"I didn't betray you even you count it as betrayal! He was free to choose!"

"He's my son.. and as a father i care fot him. He's brave and loyal but he can't stand against Morgoth. I have to go myself than him.."Fingolfin monologued.

"Maybe this act bring good signs upon our families and unite them or another loss will destroy these bonds . You still being guilty about that!If Fingon doesn't return then we have the right to punish you for betrayal! I cannot accept your sorry!"

"How much time will you give to her!?"Maglor asked.

"If in two weeks Fingon don't show up or whe find no trail from him according the Laws of Eldar even this is sad for some you will die in the way we'll deside!"

"And i was thinking that the elves was more compassionate was Noldor!"i murmured. Great i messed again and now my life is in danger because a dog smelled me. And i had no idea how long will take to Fingon to return. I took the risk and i loss.

"So I'lll be a prisoner again?"i asked.

"You can move freely in the borders of the two camps but is forbidden to go outside for any reason. If you tru to escape the guards can kill you with an order."Fingolfin said.

"Ah anything more?"

"I think is good to move to a tent near to ours so well notice any suspicious move" Maglor said

"You deside this!"

"I don't want to be bad but my heart can't handle it(the loss) this moment "Fingolfin continued.

"And you think by killing another one the justice will be back?" I asked Fingolfin.

"You have to pay in a way for this. And this time will be with blood"

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now