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I left the tent feeling weird. I couldn't understand what emotions this was or mixture of them. Some times I can't explain to others what I'm feeling because not even myself can understand what is happening inside me.

I just kept walking to the healers tent. Basically now i was still in the tent near Maglor i didn't changed but i wanted to speak with someone.

I passed next to the lake where accidentally was Maglor. He was singing silently. I stopped for a moment . And he noticed me.
We looked each other for a second.

He understood. He stood up and came closer.

"You saw Maedhros?"

I didn't respond at first.

"Didn't you see Maedhros? How is he? Is he alright?"

"Well he was in Angband. he's not that good of course"

"He's injured?"

"Basically yes. "

"Is bad?"

"I can't say it isn't. He lost a.. part if himself"

"What fo you mean? He have amnesia or something"

"Yes and no. He can't handle a sword."

"Why not?"

"He have not a right hand anymore"

"What?!? How... the whole hand?"

"No no from the wrist and down"

"Can i see him?Why you were there with him?"

"Sanya told me to stay for a few minutes but I don't know if you can . Sanya can answer you. If i find her today I'll tell her to find you and discuss about that ."


"Why you didn't go to Fingon to say a thanks? He is the one who saved your brother"

"I wanted but...i dont know. Its complicated.."

"This time is serious to argue. You need support and he needs too."

"Maybe I'll go one day"

"Yeah but not the next year! You have to see him these days"

"I'll think about it"

"Its difficult to face what happened. But he still lives. He's here. Your brother is not lost. The King returned"

He smiled.
"You're right"

"Before you leave. I have a question"

"Do you know how to ride a horse"

"Ahm..Yeah? Why?" I responded. One time i tried to do it and i didn't remember exactly what happened, if i fell or i fid it right. How difficult could it be?!

"We can go for a ride one day in the fields!"

"Aw that's a good idea! One day!" I answered with a smile.

"One day..." Maglor reapeted.

"I have to go now! I'll see you later!"

I went back to Sanya to tell her about Maglor in case i forgot it and then left.

I returned back on my tent. Maybe i could go for walk later. I wanted to take a nap or i felt i had to.

And the day passed.

Meanwhile the mist had started fading and the cloods were less, more sunlight could pass through them.
This was good news.

Because Sanya had work i was alone the whole day almost some evenings she was free we was talking our ordinary walk around the camps.

She didn't let Maglor or Fingon go to visit Maedhros before another's week had passed. The other heales said that his condition was still unstable so it was better to stay away.

Maglor finally spoke with Fingon as i learned. Maglor didn't tell me exactly what they said. He just said everything was fixed .

Even Fingon's act brought the two houses closer the situation was heavy because of Maedhros and they didn't spoke that much.

And after this week Sanya called me.

"Fingon asked me for again if he can see Maedhros. I spoke with the healers and they agreed he can go only if you're with him because Maedhros recognised you the first timr. Now go find Fingon. I'll wait here until you've arrived."

"What about Maglor? He is his brother! Didn't he speak with you ?"

"Yeah we spoke...Maybe tomorrow I'll let him"

"How it went?"

"How went what?"

"That you spoke with him the first time alone!"

"I'll tell you the  afternoon everything! Now go!"

"Im leaving!! Im waiting the afternoon for youuu !!!"

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now