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Warning: If you are discusted even of the thought of blood then is better not to read the whole chapter.

(Well Maglor didn't say clearly that he forgave me, he still was sad about my attitude, but i think he did )

The days was passing quickly in the camp. One week and three days . Only four had left until my death. Maglor may tried to change Fingolfin's mind but nothing changed at all .He didn't speak to me that much after. I was talking longer walks in the two camps to kill my boredom.

And of course everyday like an annoying rooster Caranthir reminded me how many days was left. I wanted just to use violence which will make to shut his mouth(to kick him where i had to yk) but i was trying to look less suspicious, an "attack" to one of the Son's of Feanor would not help me more.

Hope was nowhere again.

But Fingon came back.

First I heard a loud noise like thunder, the greatest i ever heard, and the air blew on the fields like it never blow before. The tents crackled and the banners ripped and the mist for a moment dissapered .

And then silence. The winb blew again bringing down the mist which before had destroyed. Then Fingon appeared .

. And I saw him with my own eyes. I was just talking my daily walk ,this time alone , in Fingolfin's camp.

And I'm sure I can't describe exactly what i saw.

Fingon was here standing among the mist carrying on his hands Maedhros.

His had blood everywere : on his clothes ,on his hair on his hands but it was not his. The blood was coming from Maedhros. His right hand was missing from wrist and down the blood just was spilling everywhere like a fountain.

A cloth was tied around the wrist ,the missing part of Fingon's cape to stop the bleeding,   but it couldn't stop the flow.

Maedhros was in worst condition than Gareth. His royal clothers were ripped ,the armor was missing , he had open wounds everywere  ,his hair was cut and tangled, the blood had covered the most of his hand and chest. He didn't even look like he was breathing at all.

I wanted to came closer but my legs didn't responded. I was frozen in one place looking at them unable to do anything.

"Help! Somebody!" I heard Fingon scream . I was here. And he saw me. He looked at me with despair and pain.

Then from a tent peeked out Finrod. He immediately ran toward Fingon trying to help.

" The healers!" Fingon yelled. More people noticed what happened and started coming there. Someone called the healers. And the healers was there in no time to help.(i was staying there staring all the time like a statue)

They took Maedhros to their tent as he was in a really bad condition .Fingon wasn't even brused bad he was just covered by his friend blood and he asked to leave him alonw to his tent for an hour. The healers didn't let him or anyone else visit Maedhros or stay with him the first days. They're trying to keep him alive and the wouldn't handle another   having a mental breakdown .

Everyone was suprised and i could say sad the same time. Of course my deadline was canceled as Fingon explained everything to his father.

Maglor and his brothers couldn't believe what happened still and after they learned the news didn't speak either to Fingon or Fingolfin. I couldn't understand why the didn't.

I couldn't do much whith my weekend medic experience from Sanya i had ,not the healers even asked me. Sanya although went the third day to help as they were changing posts when she return she didn't tell me anything she saw.

I didn't know how to feel. Relief because i wouldn't die or sadness because of the condition of Maedhros?! I knew he'll return with one hand. But i was not mentally prepared to deal with it.

To be continued...✳️

 The pic is made by choistar

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The pic is made by choistar

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now