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This chapter isn't that interesting but i had to write it to explain some thinks

"I still can't believe my day ended up like that again. I can't understand what think I do wrong." I said.

"That's not you fault! After what happend in Valinor everyone is a bit crazy here.The oath is upon us. "

"Agree! If they hadn't took this oath everything would be fine!"

"But they took it!We cant change the past anymore but we can change the future. Or try. "

"So I stuck here waiting and doing nothing."

"Sometimes the thinks we want take time to become real. You have to wait."

"Wait...And how ill spend my free time?"

"Don't worry! I'm  here for you! We'll spend together your free time!"


"So why you ended up being a prisoner? You didn't told me anything before!"

"Well ...all started when i when i woke up here in the forest..."I started revealing to Sanya my story.

As I was talking she led us to the north side of the camp in the tent were was the healers. Only four stayed there now.

"You said before you'll fix my hanger!What elves eat except lembas and..lembas?"

"Don't worry about this! First i have to introduce to you my coworkers!Come in!"she said showing me the door. I got in first(feeling akward) and then came Sanya. There was four tall men in white talking at each other like no battle happened before.

"Morning guys! Her name is Alex and she's gonna stay with us this days!" She introduced me.

"He's Fingal(the younger and the shorter), Helmut(brother of Fingal), Gwental(he had blue eyes)and Gwynfor(and this one was the taller)! Say hello to our new friend guys!"said pointing at each one at the time.

They smiled like the knew me before and waved.

"Now forgive us she can't stay with you untill she'll change!" Sanya saud and pushed meto another room of yhe tent.

"You have to change!This dress is horrible!"
Obviously my dress was horrible . It had stains of grass and ork blood on.

"May you have something in another color? Like blue or black!? I don't like that much white dresses. It could be better if you had pants in my size!" I asked.

"Let me see...No I only have two dresses :a white one snd a silver one! And no pants!"she answered as she was searching .

"Well nah .. nevermind. I'll wear the white one. "I looked horrible with in white and i would look even worse with the silver dress.(that's why i prefer black clothes)

"As you changing your clothes I'll prepare you some food !"

"Finally! That's what I wanted!"i said with relief. My stomach was empty for hours( again )and it didn't took it that well. If she was late a few hours it would be aching again.

I changed quickly , I fixed my hair(it was messy after the nap and the battle yk))and I went to the next room to eat.

Few hours later...

After my meal Sanya and I go for a walk around the camp.(theres no reason to describe exactly was i said)

The next day(basically there was no sun yet so..few hours later after a nap but is the same think)we burried Gareth near the place he fell in the battle. I took his cape and I wore it to give it to his brother when he'll return.

The time was passing slowly.

Sanya and I became friends and she learned me about hers job. She learned i was a human and she saw my ears.

Ten days passed from the day the army left the camp. Ten (not)so boring days.

But they came back. Noldor won the battle and destroyed the forces of Morgoth .Feanor died .(finally)
I knew all of that before happen. But I didn't knew if the story will continue exactly like the book could be like that because then i shouldn't be there.

I didn't tell anything i knew about the future to Sanya before the sons of Feanor return to camp and everyone learn what happened.

And when the Feanorians came back the call me to their council.(idky)
To tell the truth they send a guard to take me and drag me to their tent even wanted or not.

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now