Ready as I'll ever be

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*i stole a disney title again. By the way Tangled adventure is great series you must watch if you haven't already*

I had a deadline of two days to prepare before leaving for Doriatn. Only two days. I didn't expect Fingolfin would plan to leave so early after the council. Not that i had problem with his desision.

I returned to the healers tent right after the council ended to tell Sanya the news.
It wasn't only that reason. I didn't want to make any eye contact with Maglor or Maedhros. I knew they wanted to speak to me after what i did back then. I wasn't in the mood to respond to themor explain them my actions. So I left without looking back once.

"Sanya guess what!" I almoat yelled as I burst into the tent.

"What?You had an argument with Caranthir?He started shouting again?"

"No he was too quiet this time and I m still consered why he was like this. Anyway this isn't the matter... I'm going to an Adventure!"

"You're going on a what? What are you talking about?"

"The council was made to find messengers to send to Doriath. I offered myself! And they accepted me! Basically Fingolfin did I'm not so sure about the others..."

"Wow! That's new i didn't expect to hear! So you're gonna leave without me?"

"In two days.."I muttered.

"So quickly?"

"Yeah I don't understand the haste either . I wanted you to come with me as a servant. But i thought it was better if you were going with someone else this time"

"You reject me now? That's what you saying?" She asked and crossed her arms pretending being mad at me.

"No I do not! Lord Turgon will go to the Harbour of Teleri. You told me your grandmother is there. That's why I think is better go with him"

"Aw..So that's the case. then I'm not angry with you. But you promised me well go together see the Harbour."

"I know. I didn't forget my promise. I have to go to Doriath this time and i can't loose this chance. I need to know... Well go the next time together when i return. I'll keep my promise. But you can go alone this time...exept you choose to wait for me.."

"I understand. I'll take that change too. I'll speak to Tyrgon myself today. Don't forget .Promises are promises. Next time we'll go together okay?"

"I promise" I said and streched my hand for a pinky promise.

"What are you doing?!"

"Pinky promise!"

"Pinky promise!" She repeated and did the same.

"Can i ask you a favor"

"What is it"

"If you go ourside to speak to lord Turgon and Maedhros or Maglor ask you anything please don't tell them I'm here. I want to pack my stuff in peace and then speak with them.

"Okay I got this"

~Elven Timeskip (one day passed)~

They previous day I packed some thinks of mine and prepared some food to go for me and Sanya (you know lembas and other elven food) so this matter was already done for the journey.
Santa spoke with Turgon and he accepted her as servant to go with him. Hopefully she didn't see Maedhros or Maglor nor i did the little time I got out from the tent.

I had no job to do this day.

So I went outside to find someone. I wanted Tristan be one coming with me in the journey. I wanted to ask him first before I take the permission from Maedhros .

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now