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And the time for the council came. I went alone without having any lord come and waje me up like the previous time . Because of that I almost forgot what day the council was and I would be sleeping if Sanya didn't wake me up.
Fortunately she has two spare functioning braincells so she can think for me when my mind is offline.
I dressed up as quickly as a could and run to the other camp. It was everyone there already.

Inside the big tent of Fingolfin's

"We gathered here again for a council to discuss some matters that have to be discussed. It has about our allies and region. First ,you can sit." Fingolfin said and gave us a sign with his hand. And when everyone sat he rested in his own chair.

"For a long time we've been here in our camps gaising the stars and the moon. But the Evil behind the mountains is still there watching and making plans to destroy us. So we have to gain new lands expanding our territory and spread around him make fortresses . We can't let Morgoth win by standing still without taking action. If we stay longr here he'll surely attack again. And the next time he'll give him full force there. Our hunters have made a brief map from wgat they've seen behind the mountains and with the information of local they met. "Fingolfin continued and placed a map in the middle of the table.

"We know that Teleri live in the coast gathered in a great Harbour in a place named Eglärest. Other elves of their kind are scattered in the continent. But there's another place where the most of then live . The kingdom of Doriath in woods and surrounded by rivers . We must make first an alliance with the people here before start expanding our tetitory south and east." He said and pointed at these places so everyone can see.

"In few words I want to send some messengers to each kingdom as representatives to build alliances with our houses so we can continue and  go even further to see what exists and want we can claim as new land. I want them to be one of you ."

I definitely wanted to go to Doriath. I knew i wasn't from the family and i handled no dignity or that much of respect to accept me. But I had to go at least as a servant.

I had to know why. Although i didn't want to raise my hand first ,it might seemed rude to others from me to make the first move.

Instead of me Galadriel raised her hand. I didn't expect this to tell the truth nor the book mentioned something like that.

Fingolfin shook his head as a sing that his giving her permission to speak freely.

"I would like to go south as a messenger of our clan,my King. In my opinion someone with Teleri blood should go to the Kingdom of the Forest . The locals said their region is protected with a magix spell only his people can pass so sending someone complitely different to them then they may not let us enter."

"Why we should send someone with Teleri blod? We supposedto be the same kind all the elves. If he can't accept that is not our problem. I think one of our family must go as a messenger . We must send a ruler not a girl to cooperate with them." Celegorm said crossing his arms without even asking for permission first.

Galadriel gazed at him for a moment in silence. If i was him i wouldn't do that. Going against Galadriel is like trying to grab a sword with bare hands. It dangerous to speak without thinking especially when the person you're referring to is right in frond of you.

"Don't forget what we've done in the past  can't be erased. If their eyes see far thell see the blood in our hands.  the spell protect their land is held by a Maia who stands higher that the elves here and there. I agree we must send someone from house Finarfin to them is the wiser choise."

"I can't understand why we depend on their help. The silvan elves hold no power in war they live in the forests or by the sea like animals and speak differently. Why we want their help? We stand higher than them!" Cananthir said in a surprisingly calm tone.(for him)(without permission too as a classic jerk he is )

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now