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We run in the fields for almost an hour .After that we gathered again around the hill as the sun would set in a few hours.

I was still chatting with the girls near the other Feanorians when Maedhros rode to the top of the hill in frond of everyone and raised his hand making a sign for silence.

"I want to say something in front of everyone now we're all here gathered." He yelled so everyone could hear him.

" I Maedhros Feanorion the High King of Noldor i reject my crown and throne and declare as the New King my cousin Fingon son of Fingolfin son of Finwe !"

What did he just said?! How could he? Now? But in the book he chose Fingolfin. What changed? And he told it there?! What was he thinking?

Silence fell. Everyone was clearly confused from his words. Even Maglor.

He hadn't told anything yet? Not even to his own brother?

"What? " Caranthir croaked .

"What are you saying cousin?! You deny your birthright to give the crown to another?" Fingon asked.

"You heard my word! I give my position to you from now on! You're worthy to be a King!"

"But cousin.. You deny your bloodline doing this. The oath.. the oath you gave.."

"The oath doesn't say anything about the kingship of Noldor! Its my decision to deny the throne! And i decided to give it to you!"

"Maedhros what are you doing?" I whispered. He raised his hand to my side .

"I'm doing what have to be done!"

"Are you serious?"

"I couldn't be more"

"So you.." Maglor murmured.

"Yes! Im refusing the Throne! I wanted you to know accepting it or not! I'll make it official tomorrow!"


"Yes tomorrow I'll go to Fingolfin camp and  hand over the crown to the rightful owner!"

"Brother why you.. why you didn't tell anything before?"

"It was no need! I told it now. Don't you agree with my decision ?"

"I... But.."Maglor murmured.

"It's your birthright! OUR birthright! How dare giving the crown to him? This half -blooded.." Caranthir started yelling.

"Keep your mouth shut brother! I DO WHAT I WANT! A simple ' no ' could be accepted!" Maedhros raised his voice looking at Caranthir with a angry gaze.


"I'm sure my brother didn't want to say that. He's just confused from your words" Maglor cut him shutting his mouth with his hand.

"You had to say that earlier to us" Celegorm told and Curufin slitly nodded.

"Tomorrow the New King will be declared in frond of everyone in the camps! I spoke!" Maedhros finished and turned his back to his brothers going downhill.

And that's how the Ride ended this day.

After Maedhros speech anyone turned back to their camps without talking. A tence air was moving between the three families.

We'll i didn't want to sleep knowing the consequences of Maedhros choice. I had to speak with him. And so i did.
Two hours after the sun setted behind the mountains i went to his tent. Alone. Without even telling Sanya anything.

I almost burst into his tent without calling first.

He was sitting on his fancy chair reading a book unbothered.

"What are you thinking you're doing?"

He looked at me calmly like nothing happened and smirked.

"What do you want Alex?"

"How-.. how.. idiot you can be and say these things?" I asked. It was the first time i got so angry with him. He was making a mistake that costed so many lives.

"About the throne? I thinked about it days before if you're talking about this"

"Why didn't you tell anything?"

"We're gonna repeat what we already said?" He asked a bit annoyed and raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know the consequences of your action? Do you know what is gonna happen if Fingon become a king?"

"He'll live with all the glory he des-"

"He'll die"


"A king is always in the first line of war. And he's the one who his true to protect his people with his life. And die. You don't wanna Fingon to die right? Do you?"

"I never thought this way..."

"Yeah because you're blind! You think he's the best above all the Noldor and you are not worthy to be the King so he have to take your place. That's not true"

"Im not a king anymore! Nor a warrior!" He said and stood up tall like a tower above me. His eyes was reflecting his rage like a stormy sea.

"You're a coward! That's all you're!" I tried to stand against him.

"Yes I'm! I know! He deserves anything! I would give my life for him!"

"Sacrifice is not a crime but with your choice the only think you're going to do is to kill him earlier!"

He froze and then fall back to his chair.
"It is not that i want you to die eather..but the death of Fingon would destroy you.."

"I just.. i was thinking..I want the best for my people and my friend. I don't think i can wear the crown with pride or hold a sword with might in the battle.. Not anymore.."Maedhros murmured.

"You're still have the darkness inside you.... Because you didn't denied it fully. I came here to warn you for the second time. Its your choice now... Good night King.." i said and turned my back at him.

"But can I take my word back now.. ?"

"You're the King. You deside. Choose."

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now