Was it worth it?/2

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Two days later...

Two days after i heard this conversation unexpectedly Maglor decided that he wanted to speak to me. We hadn't talk from then when i moved tents. Basically he didn't even told me earlier something. He just peeked in my tent and said:

"We have to talk"

"Ah ! Hi?! What you doing there ? I thought you're not gonna speak to me again" i said feeling extremely anxious.

"Yeah that was my first though. But i wanted from you to explain me why."

"Why what?"

"Why did you lie to me?"

"I told you i had to lie! It was a difficult situation and i couldn't find another way to avoid the conversation ! It was Celegorm and Caranthir too there!I had to!" I tried to justify myself.

"But in this way you broke your words!"

"No i did not! This was not a betrayal. Fingon had a plan to save Maedhros andhe needed help thats all!I didn't betray anyone in this way! It is not a betrayal!Im trying to help you in this way instead!"

"So you agree you helped him!?"

"You already found what i did! I have not to say it straight to understand it!"

"You know that Fingon propably will never return right?"

"He will! Obviously!"

"How do you know it?"

"Because I know he will!"i said crossing my arms.

"You could just not talk !To prevent lying!"

"Then you would had been more suspicious about me!"

"Why didn't tell me

"To break two words?"

"I trusted you from the beginning! I thought you would trust me to!"

"I trust you! But i couldn't talk that moment!"

"Thats how humans react? Without honestly?"

"That have nothing to do with my race! If you were in my place what will you do?i had to gain time! I lied to gain time! It was an option even not the better one thats what i thought! Omg you were three men in frond of me with a gigantic hound and you think i didn't panicked when you started suspect me?"

"I didn't suspect you!"

"But Your brothers did! Caranthir don't like me that much! I knew he could read that i was lying. But telling nothing boesnt mean thay he couldn't read me! At least i defend myself!"

"I still think you had not to lie!But if humans act like that.."

"Listen. I'm sorry . I make a mistake. But as a human i can just leave it behind and go on. That's the problem with you the elves. You struggle to let go and remain in the past. Humans even the are mortals try to look into the future"

"So youre telling me to forget it and go on?"

"I know is difficult to trust me again now! But you cant stand to this forever! You told me do many times i was a spy or a traitor but I didn't gave up untill you recognised i was not and gain you friendship"

"Maybe it is a way. But the lies still there.."

"Can i tell something more than sorry right now to forgive me?"

"A bigger sorry"


"That's better"

"Am i forgiven?"

"I'll think about it.."

"I can give you a hug too then" I said unexpectedly and hug him.(brain freeze again as you expected) He was totally confused from my act but he hugged me back .

After a few seconds it was a bit akward so he pulled me away slowly. He look sad i could say. I didn't knew my lies will affect him that much. Maybe because he started to believe that really i was a traitor as his brothers said affected him more.

"So this hug.. Was is worth it? "


To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now