How I met THE Family

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I opened my eyes for the third time ready to scream " hands down from my property!" but my head was aching so bad and i decided no to do so. I was laying down to a camp bed(😆 Google translate) and still wearing that ( horrible) white dress.

Who brought me here? I thinked inside my (aching)mind. The answer was right in front of me. Eight men  surrounded me ,looking at me like I was the weirdo in this story ,dressed like knights and too tall so i didn't have to sit up to see them( well i did anyway).

"Who are you?!" I almost screamed ."why you brought me here?!"

"The right question is who are YOU!" Said the man who was right in front of me. He looked familiar.

"You don't respond to a question with a question!" I said .

"which side are you?" Asked me the man with the bow with a face full of distaste.

"You are a friend or a foe?" the first man asked me.

Wait.. I've heard this before..
No. I've read it .

Ow my chat noir and the lucky clover!
He was Feanor!
"You are...."I stuttered.

"We are what?"

They was the Feanorians. The first son of Finwe and his seven sons in frond of my (not beautiful) brown eyes!
How ? And why? That meant i was in Middle Earth. Obviously because the were ready for war and the lived in s camp as they did in the book(near the lake mithrim)

I looked the with the surprised pikachu face for a few minutes.
"Answer !"feanor yelled at me.

My brain has stopped again. And this is what I found to say:
" I am not used to 8 men looking at me like i am..a.a.. the weirdo before! Stop looking at my dress! You know that the white clothes are not opaque!just don't look at it!"i said out loud and i crossed my hands.

Then Feanor took a suspicious face and looked me deep in the eyes.
"Why you were in OUR forest?"

"If i knew i could have tell you already! I woke up here before 10 minutes! I'm hungry, cold and now I have a headache!"

"Which master do you serve?"

"Wha.. Im not a waitress!"

"What's a waitress?" Asked the guy with the bow( he was Celegorm) his father.

"Do you serve morgoth? Or the king there? You're not a Noldor elf! "

"I serve myself ! You know lonely wolf..And how do you know I m not a Noldor?"

" Noldor are NOT like you! You're too short to be one of them!"

"Then why i can't be a young Noldor?"

" How old are you?"


"That's why you're not! Elves grow up very slow and your almost..."

"Choose your words carefully..."

"If you were an elf you want most 50 years to be like that. I don't know why you're so short but your not a child"

" Back on our conversation. Where are you from?"

"A.. i don't think you really know were NY is so... Basically i don't live near your... Camp..nor any Kingdom..."

"And how you ended up here?"

"I just told i have no idea!" I yell at him and i stroke my hair from my face. Then was they saw my ears.

Feanor looked me puzzled and he took a step back.
"What are you?"

"Well.. obviously I am a woman as you can see.."

"I mean what race are you?"

"Well...I am a human.."

" A human! That explains everything! Why did the human race woke up so early?Near us?"

" Basically they don't woke up there but far away...I mean i didn't came from there.."

"Is this a good sign?" Asked another guy ( that was Maglor)

"I don't know! But humans look pathetic..!"

"Hey! I' m good looking! And for sure I have more brain than you"the words came fast outside my mouth before i think.

"Prove it then" the guy next to Celegorm (it was Caranthir) said and he crossed his hands..

"That's enough! What's your name human?" Feanor asked me.

" My name...aww...oh.."

"It seems she don't have enough brain to remember even her name!" Celegorm mocked me.

" I cant find it in elvish ! Nevermind! My name is Alex!"

"What kind of name is this?"

"A name for a human like me! Problem?!"

"For a last time i ask you you're a friend or foe?"

"Let me think it... Friend? With you? Nope! I prefer to be friend with a normal elf thank you!"

"I am the king of Noldor!How dare you? As you wished! But if you are foe to me you're foe for all the Noldor!" Feanor yelled and he turned his back to me.

" Guards! Don't let this .. woman.. to escape from the camp! She is my prisoner! Don't let anyone come in except me and my sons!She will stay there to starve all night!" He commanded and two guards closed the door (after every one was outside of course except of me).

" You.. son of a..arg(i couldn't blame him mother for his craziness) You coward!"i yelled of course inside my mind (because if actually have done it i dont think that would end up well)
"Great! And how I escape now?

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now