Wake up

400 16 2

Maedhros pov

I lost my balance and fall from the bed.
Right upon my "good" hand.
So lucky.

I tried to get up quickly not to wake up Alex and go back to bed.

I couldn't walk properly so
I crowled back like a snake.

Crap. My hand started bleeding.

Luckily it didn't hurt that much. But the blood had staned the bantages and continue flowing through them. I had to find something to tie my hand.

I searched around but all the bantages was in a box five meters away in a chair. I couldn't make it this far. At least without making noise.

I took of the belt of my robe and tied it. This could work for a while.

Then Alex woke up.

Alex's pov(the normal pov)

I heard a loud sound and the ground trembled. What happened?!

My eyes were heavy from the sleep so it took a minute to realise what i was looking at .

"Maedhros? Are you awake? What happened?" I asked and stood up trying to see in the dark. The moonlight rays was few coming from outside.

"Yes I'm awake. Everything is fine!" He responded.

"Are you sure? I heard a voice before.. why are you awake?"

I came closer to the bed to insure he was alright.

He started at me for a long moment.
"It can't be true. It can't be.." he murmured.

"What true? What are you talking about? Its like three in the morning!"

"You're wearing the same dress.."

"What dress?" I asked looking down. I had no idea what i was wearing because it was three p.m. and i had just woke up.

I was wearing a red silky robe of his and it was so long it looked like a dress. I got cold so i thinked it would be fine if i borrowed one.

"Are you blind? This is a robe! Your robe! I borrowed it because i got cold!"

"You're lying.."

"For what? The think i borrowed it?! Well yeah i didn't ask you first so technically is not a borrow but a theft but does it matter?!?"

"You're lying because everything is an horrible illusion! Im not in the camp right? I'm  back in Thagorodrim! "

"What the heck are you talking about? You're in the Noldor camp. There's no illusions! This is the reality!"

"You're lying! Everyone was lying from the beginning! You betrayed me! All of you!"

" Maedhros calm down! Why you say that?"

"I saw it. I saw everything. There's no hope in the future. Only death. You lied"

"Wha... Omg you saw a nightmare?"

"I saw the truth!"

"Really you believed what you saw in a nightmare?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. He wasn't a child to believe in such thinks.

"You have not idea what i saw!" He growled.

"Maedhros let me help you.." i murmured and tried to take his hand.

"Stay away from me"

"Please calm down"

"Stay. Away." He repeated with an aggreesive tone and pulled his hand back.

"Maedhros I.."


I had to call someone to help me. Even he was weak for an elven warrior meters against me he was still strong so i couldn't control him. I had to call someone i knew it could put him in his place.

"Don't go anywhere!"

I ran straight to Fingon's tent. It was the time for some thinks to be done. Or it wasn't. It was not the time to think about too long.

"Fingon?! "I whispered as i burst into the tent .

Fingon almost fall from his bed and looked around curious.

"Eah.. What? What happened?!" He asked and rubbed his head .

"Maedhros. I need your help" i said laconically.


"I'll explain you ,just put your boots and come!"

Fingon put his boots on in no time and with him we left his tent heading back to Maedhros tent.

"So what happened?" Fingon asked me.

"He saw a nightmare. He probably fall ftom the bed. Now his hand is bleeding. I can't calm him down"

"And you thought i could after what happened?"

"I haven't the time to think! You're his friend! You know how to do it!"

"We'll see" he responded with a bit of irony.

In the tent...

"Im back!"

"I just told you to leave!...." Maedhros mutter annoyed when he saw Fingon beside me.

"What now?" I asked.

"Of course a traitor with a traitor! What both of you want front me?"

"We want you to put your back down and let us tie your hand!"

"Lies. Filthy lies. I don't wanna see your faces"

"Omg the drama queen awakened. I don't wanna see your face eather! Hold him!" I commanded to Fingon.

"Wait what are you doing?"

"Helping you!"

"No stop it now!I know you're lying!" Maedhros tried to escape from Fingon's hands.

I tried to grab his hand to tied it with the new bantages but he was moving like a snake.

"Let us help you! Maedhros wake up! I'm your friend!" Fingon said looking him in the eyes.

"Go away!"

"We're friends! "

"Let me go"

"We're family! I'm not giving up on you. Never!"

Maedhros growled and stopped moving that much and finally Fingon managed to hold him down as i was tiyng his hand.


I murmured and fall back on my bed.

Maedhros was still angry and afraid the same time .The nightmare must had terrified him a lot .

"Im not gonna make it out if he see another nightmare. You're staying here with him!" I said to Fingon.

"Im not gonna abandon him. never.."

"Should I call maglor? To sing you something to calm down?" I asked Maedhros raising my head a bot to look at him.

"Maglor.."Maedhros murmured.

"I think it could be a good idea..." Fingon agreed.

"No. One thing at time. Today have to get along eith you. He'll deal eoth his brother tomorrow."

"If you say so"

"Now time to sleep.." I said as i stood up and covered Maedhros with his blanket.

"Don't be afraid. We're here for you. Anything what happens we'll be here!"

"I'm not gonna leave..." Fingon whispered.

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now