Still there

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After a half an hour Sanya left again.

Time skip~~~

"Maglor will come tomorrow to see you" i said to Maedhros when he woke up again (after his afternoon sleep)

"Maglor...."Maedhros murmured looking at the ceiling.

"Tell me you didn't even remember your brothers?"

"I do remember them! He desided to come?to see what?It is not worth"

"Your brother will cone tomorrow to see you want it or not. Now ger some rest you spoke too much today"

"You can't tell me what to do! I just woke up! I cant sleep again!"

"And what are you gonna do if you don't sleep? Looking at the ceiling?"

"Can i do something more?"

"I don't no maybe sleep?"

"Even i wanted to speak with you, you're so annoying sone times that i prefer to look at the ceiling! Its more interesting!"

"And you think you're not annoying?"

"Then why you're not leaving?!"

"Are we gonna say again the same conversation?"


"Okay let's forget that we almost started arguing.  Are you hungry?"

He looked at me for a moment.

"You didn't answer my question"

" There's someone else to bring my good?"

"You're stuck with me for the rest of eternity. So are you hungry?"

"Ugh.. yeah"


"Wait where you going"

"Im not leaving! I'll just call Sanya!"

Few minutes later

"Here you are! I brought you food!"i anounsed holding a plate of soup.

"Gimme this!"

"No ,no you didn't got it. I'm gonna feed you because your hands are off! You have not to use them for anything!" I said trying to bring closer the spoon to his mouth as i sat on the side of the bed .

"I'm not a baby to feed me!" He growled.

"If you continue complaining im gonna use my extreme tactics! I had babbysit again ,so open your mouth now!"

He just looked away like a stubborn kid. And the food didn't have any broccoli in it.

"Open up! Open your mouth!" I pressed him. He looked me with a deadly stare and open lightly his mouth.

I pushed the spoon in.

"Great job! Here goes the second spoon!"

"I'll eat just stop saying these embarrassing thinks! I'm not an elfing!" He murmured.

"Finally you understood it yourself!"

If he listened i wouldn't act like this of course! But he was such a stubborn kid from time to time.

After the feeding time everything went back to normal, which means we didn't talk to each other and we just staring at thinks for minutes.

Finally the night came. The moon rose above the fields and gave light. No more clouds were in the atmosphere to stop the silver rays to reach the ground.

Maedhros looked he didn't like the moonlight that much .He covered his face with his hand(the left one) and turned to the other side.(the much he could turn)
(The door was open to let fresh air cone in)

"You don't like the light? Do you want to close the door? I thought fresh air will be good."

"I'd so much time to see light. My eyes cant handle it now."

"This is a yes"
I closed the door(i just pulled down the cloth) and sat again on my chair.

"How embarrassing. Before with the soup. Now with the light. Me. A Noldo who have see the Two Trees  in Valinor can't handle the light of the moon. Of only one flower of them"


"The darkness covered everything for a long time up there where i was. I don't know if i can stand in the light anymore"

"And how you gonna stole the Silmarills if you cant handle the light? ! C'mmon now because your eyes now are vulnerable doesn't mean you're blind!"

"It's not about the darkness outside. I know i can see. Is the darkness inside."


"You can't understand. When the darkness is inside you. Consuming you. Your soul, your mind ,everything!... How can i fight this?"

"I'll tell you again untill you change your mind. The only think that win against the darkness is light. If you don't let the light outside help you you'll stay in your darkness. Except you can fight with your very own light"

"I don't think is much left" he said hironically.

"The hope is that which brings light. If you don't believe it then..the darkness win"

"Again. You tell me to believe.To Myself. Again we have a conversation which leads to the same question. Can i?"

"Can you?"

"Can i?"

I heard a voice from outside.

"Miss?! My name is Dagmar. Sanya told me to bring you a bed."

I'd forget about it.

"Ow. Come in"

The man got in and placed a small short bed near me.

"If you want anything else I'm at you service!" He said and bowed.

"Of course! You can leave now!"

Dagmar left the tent and silence fell again. A silence i could describe as beautiful.

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now