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This nigh I almost get not sleep. I could forget what happened. My conversation with Maglor, Maedhros speech....
My mind couldn't cope with all of this in one day.

But the next day came and the sun rose again in the sky. With the first ray reaching my eyes I got if the bed in no time to change in my white dress.

"Why you're such in a hurry? Something happened? You seemed really pissed of yesterday so I preferred not to ask anything."
Sanya asked .

"That red garbage can. He's so stubborn sometimes! Basically all of them are! But he's the King of the stubborn!" I growled as i was putting my shoes on.

"You fought?"

"We just talked. You want to know what this redhead did? He desided to give his crown to his cousin Fingon!"

"...What? Is this possible? He have the birthright!"

"Thats  why I'm pissed of with him! He said hes gonna give it today!"

"So everyone have to be here to hail the new king! Why you didn't tell me?"

"I was waiting to change his mind! We'll see today if he did!"

I went outside. There was people around in hurry.  Obviously nothing change anything from the previous day. He didn't make his mind up.

I run straight to his tent. The big orange one next to the council tent(which was also orange)

He was there standing outside the tent with two lords of his kingship. I've had met them before it was Idwar and Emyr.

He was wearing his finest mithril armor and silky red clothes with silver trimes. The colours of House Feanor.
In the middle of his chest was carved  a bright red star with eigh rays the symbol of the Family. . Ypon the tunic which was tied with a silver belt in his waist was a crimson cape with white fur around the neck and in the trim.

In his hands he had not the iron gloves of the armor but a pair of black leather gloves instead the first and the last time i saw him wearing them. He didn't have his sword by his side, he was going for a ceremony after all.

And of course in his head was wearing the Crown.

It wasn't an ordinary crown.

It was a part of a helmet, Feanors helmet. There was three shiny gems representing both the three houses and the silmarills: one shining blue, one red and the bigger one in the middle was shining white like a star.

Finally he noticed me after two whole minutes, all this time was busy talking with Idwar beside him.

"Alex! You're here! Get ready for the ceremony!" He said with a proud smile like we was celebrating someone's birthday or something. I couldn't say anything against him then. I already had talk woth him i couldn't do something more. I had to accept it. I just gave him a death glare and then looked away.

Maglor showed up suddenly also dressed in red like his brother.

"Am I late?" He asked looking around anxious.

"No you arrived earlier that the others. I think they are being late for reason but I'll don't mind. I they want to stay back they can. I have to go" Maedhros said.

I turned back to the healers tent to announce Sanya so she could dress to leave together to see the "ceremony".

But when I get back to Maedhros he forbit Sanya to come and command me to follow him with his brothers in first line like i was from his family.

I was shocked he didn't let Sanya accompany me but implying also that im part of the family by letting me follow them was a bigger shock.

Sanya didn't mind and she said she will be in the crowd with the guys watching (the guys are the other healers)

After a few minutes all the brothers gathered outside Maedhros tent ready to go.

No need of description lines...

There was no guards in the gates only two lords with the banner of house Fingolfin on their capes dressed in blue and silver. They bowed and then kneeled in one foot to let the King pass. I followed with Maglor in my side silent. For some reason the air was so tence.

People had gathered outside to see the King, they probably knew what all of this was about from yesterday.

We walked a little further and we stopped.

In front of Fingolfins tent was Fingolfin himself waiting dressed in blue and silver with his two sons by his side Fingon wearing a blue and white robe and Turgon with a white and silver match.

Aredhel was there also standing a bit further in white as always. House Finarfin was there too Finrod as their leader waa standing in the right in golden and white as his brothers and sister was.

Well it was different meeting them with a bloody from war armor than wearing their good clothes and shiny gems. Everyone looked like a Mair or  how I imagined they could look like .

I felt embarrassed for my common white dress. Only the brooch was something different and it wasn't mine ,it was Maedhros gift .

Maedhros was a few meters away from Fingon and standing in silent.
No one greeted with words. The King had the right to speak first.

Suddenly Maedhros brought his right (and missing) hand upon his heart and fell in one knee bowing before them. Imidiately the two lords beside him opened the banners of House Feanor and kneeled beside as we did after them also.

A King bowing in front of everyone.

"Yesterday i said in front of everyone that im passing my crown and birthright to my cousin Fingon. It was a reckless desision of mine didn't think of the consequences this action would have.I thought giving this as a gift for him saving me will bring our houses even more close ,wanting to repay for what happened to you out there . him this position would be considered a bad desision for some and for himself even he deserves it and i love him above even myself ... i still can't be a King. I'm sorry for my mistakes. Im sorry as a King i didn't act as i had to do and I set my people in danger. Instead you did so much for us. Because i want someone to take my place doesn't mean that in our house we are  im a cowards or a fools. Im not abandon my people. I want the best for them. There are people among our kind wiser and stronger for this position. Fingon was one of them in first place. I changed my mind. I now I cannot take my word back anymore . But i can change it in a way everyone will be satisfied. I Maedhros Feanorion declare my birthright and position as High King of all Noldor and pass ot to Fingolfin ,Son of Finwe and brother of Feanor consider him the wisest among our kind!  "

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now