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"Well ,we'll see how long you can stay!" Maedhros murmured.

After this we didn't speak for an hour or more. He was looking at the ceiling with a straight face and i was looking at him with a straight face too. It was akward but noone wanted to start a conversation again for any reason.

And when he fell asleep Sanya came.

"What happened? Is everything alright? I think i heard something about an hour before! Where's fingon?" She whispered while getting closer.

"Well fingon left when you heard that noice . It didnt go that well. They had an argument. A bad argument. Maedhros said that Fingon is not his friend anymore."

"Ah! And why you didn't call me then?"

"Fortunately it wasn't something more than that so i could handle it alone! Don't worry! I'm here jere to keep an eye on him! Go back to relax!"

"You can leave if you want ,there's no need to be there."

" Basically i have to be there. I made a deal with Maedhros that I'll not leave untill he change his mind and forgive Fingon."

"What? Are you sure you can do this! This is nor that easy!You cant stay here forever!"

"Tryst me i got this! I'll be okay! How long can it take? You can leave!"

"Okat then. But if you want some hrlp call me!"

"I'll wait for you later to tell me what happened with Maglor! I didn't forget it! "


"And bring me some food! Don't forget!" I said before she's gone.

"you still here.. im impressed" i heard Maedhros saying.

"Aw the sleeping beauty is awake! Of course I'll wait here! I gave a word. I cannot brake it."i responded.

" So mortal, you still believe i can change? Really?" He asked hironically.

"If i didn't i wouldn't be there! Now go back to sleep! How do you expect your wounds to heal if you are talking all the day?! "

"I can't sleep all day!"

"That's excuses! My cat sleeps all day for weeks if he wants! Now rest!"

"I can't avoid you right?!" He groaned and turned his head to the other side.

After three hours waiting Sanya came back as she said. Fortunately Maedhros was sleeping or he looked like ,he was so he could hear what 'girl secrets ' we would tell.

She brought food and another chair to sit next to me.

"So what happened? You said you'll tell me! Tell me!" I asked her.

"Well... I spoke to him."

"I know! The details ! Tell me the details!"

"I was very nervous.. i think he noticed it."

"I can imagine your face! Go on!"

" He told me to go for a walk and speak outside the camp"

"Wow a romantic walk alone.." i said with a evil smile.

"Stop !it was nooottt!" She whispered.


"And he asked me when he could see his brother. He was very anxious about it . I told him he could not see him before two weeks due to his mental health wich still unstable."


"He begged me to see him. I didn't let him of course. I said he had to wait few nore days.and he did. That's all"

"Ah i was prepared for more romance"

"I think he noticed me more because i was close to his brother and nothing more. You know.."

"I know what?"

"I think he has his heart is facing someonene else."

"Really? But you're beautiful and clever! Why not you?"

" Love doesn't work like that."

" So you think you know which girl is?"

"I don't know for sure. He keeps his secrets hidden in his heart so i cant see clear. Maybe he have his reasons"

"Maybe hes not sure..."

Well I'd heard what Maglor told days before. I knew he probably liked me. But i didn't. Sanya although did. What a mess. I hoped i could stay outside from these.

"Maybe.. i hope!"

"Well where's the food?"

"Here!" She said and gave me a sandwich.


"So you'll stay here.. where you hoing to sleep?"

"I didn't think about it... Ahm I don't know"

"You can't stay sitting on a chair all day! I'll tell Dagmar to bring you a small bed to sleep."

"Aw okay thanks"

"Are you sure you can bear him? He can't change his mind in a day"

"I know! And i don't think i can bear him for too long. But nor he can bear me! So it's like a challenge! The one who looses change his mind for the other!"

"I see.  You still you don't like the Feanorians! Except Maglor you don't have the perfect ..ah.. relationship with them"

"I know!! But he hurt Fingon! And he have to take back his words!"

"Okay.. i don't see how effective this technique will be .. At least he can recognise you."

"Yeah he started remember that he didn't like my face.." i murmured.

"Don't forget tomorrow Maglor will come"

"Are you sure after what happened today with Fingon?"

"No, I'm not but he have to see him! I can't take my words back!"

"Of course... Giving your word in Middle Earth can be lethal as it seems.."

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now