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After the arrival of the moon it was sun's turn ti rise. But not yet. The moons appearance means the arrival of fingolfin on Losgar. He would be on mithrim soon with his army.

At the same time Maedhros was planning to build a fortress at the middle of the fields in case morgoth attach again the camp.

The next day already the builder started creating the plans of the fortress when morgoth send a messenger. The mesenger came when the moon fall behind the mountains sneaking on the fields like snake. The guards of the gates cached him.

A new council began. I couldn't go. I'd already said to Maglor do not accept anything. And he tried i hope. But Maedhros still wanted revenge for his father. So he thinked of tricking the god of the tricks and lies.

He'd go with double army than Morgoth's and attack from two sides after they give the Silmarill. I knew this will not work anyway. I tried to speak to him but Caranthir didn't let me see his brother after what happen the previous days. I tried. Nothing happened.

Maedhros two days after left the camp with the army. And this three days i was trying to change Maedhros mind. And avoid Caranthir.

I didn't go for a walk with Maglor exactly because of this reason. He'll tell anything to Maedhros mixed woth his lies to change his words.

So i went for a walk with Sanya the day after the army left.

"I cant believe the acted like that again! I said Maglor do not accept anything and they did! The next time im not gonna say anything to see what they'll think!"

"You're new here and its hard for them to trust you! It takes time!"

"Yeah but in this period people will die! If the future was full of joy and peace i could just sit on my a*s and do nothing!"

"And what will happen next?"

"You'll see in a few days..."

"Waiting again..."

"I wanna go home.. im tired of the stupidity of some elves here...i thought elves were wise and intelligent not like humans..i was wrong..."

"Because some men are crazy doesn't mean the women of Noldor aren't wise and clever!"

"You're right..At least i have you

"So you went for a walk with Maglor days before?"

"Really? How many were watching us? Or Caranthir told you? I was alone amd Maglor came after. "

"Aw.. interesting..."

"Yeah and he started singing.. So convenient!"i laughed but sanya stayed silent.

"I think he is interested in a way..."

"Really? So he's gonna be disappointed because i only see him as a friend! "

"You don't like him?"

"Well he have a beautiful voice.. he's pretty.. he's kind...but a human doesn't match with an elf"

"Why not?"

"Humans live few years and their lifes are filled with sickness and pain with small breaks of joy. A minute for an elfs life. Nonetheless i prefer blonde guys!"

" Sounds you like Celegorm? Hes blonde!"

" O my god no! Hes the only blonde guy i dont like! But i think YOU like Maglor .."

"Me? Nahh..i cant even look him in th eyes.."

"Thats why you like him! You're in love! Accept it!!!"

"Stop yelling! He may hear us!"

"Thats my plan! "


"Ok I'll stop but i can do something about you and him!"

"Like what?"

"Thats my job don't worry! I have charisma to speak to people about other than speaking about me! "

"Ah!. And you're gonna tell him what?."

"I have to think about it first! I can't speak him this days alone but I'll fond the time to do it! This needs tine too!"

"Aw... okay."

"Let's talk about something else! You haven't tell me yet about your family! You now your parents if you have brothers..or sisters!"

"My parents..well both of them took Fingolfins side..when it happened..i have not any siblings even if i want.."

"From who you took your hair? It s unike colour!"

"Both my parents have dark hair but my grandmother was a teleri. So i think from her i took my hair. "

"You haven't met her?"

"She lives in Middle Earth with the other Falathrim. I hope one day I'll met her. "

"If we escape one day why not?!"

"Escape? I can't do this!"

"Common now! We'll go for a walk far away from the camp! Nothing more!"

"For a walk?! And how do you know how far is it?!"

"Well learn! We cant stay here forever!"

"You can't! I have to!"

"Okay but one day you'll go with me !"

"Maybe I'll!"

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now