The darkness is above us

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When I finished my lembas I decided to sleep. After all this crazy stuff i needed to relax.

In one day ,basically in few hours ,I found myself in Beleriand the first and I hadn't no idea why i was wearing a white dress. After that i met the sons of Feanor and now i was their prisoner.

Great day! I knew it from the time i woke up !

I needed rest .

I didn't care if Feanor wanted to visit me now ,if he want to speak with me he have to wake me up first. But i had a strong sense that Morgoth could attack the camp(this happend actually in the book).  I told Maglor about that and after that I had nothing more to do. I couldn't.

I layed down to my bed and closed my eyes. I wanted some sleep.
Only to sleep...

Few hours later...✳️

When i woke up outside was still dark. Sun didn't existed these days.I almost have forgot about the sun.(for a second i thought i woke up in the middle of the night) Fortunately I woke up on my own.
Obviously Feanor didn't came to talk to me. Well I didn't care so much. Maybe he believed his son Maglor.
"Now a good breakfast would be great to begin my day...If i was home alone..."i thinked.
I stayed like that for a few minutes staring at the wall

Suddenly as i was dreaming about pancakes with strawberries a guard got in the tent. He looked i could say terrified.

"We're under attack!"

He said and grabbed me from my wrist dragging me outside."what?And were we going?"

"I've to take you away from the danger! That's my job! You're the prisoner I'm the guard."

"Okay I can't fully understand but i dont think anywhere will be safe now. Nevermind."

He took of his sword from his side.
Outside was a mess with orcs, Noldor fighting each other. He  turned to the left where the orcs was less.

"This way!"he said and pulled me to the left.

He stabbed an Orc which was coming straight to us and then another one which attached from the right .It was difficult to have to one side and in the other trying to fight the orcs who were coming closer. What a great day! I had to do something.

"Give me i knife! Or something like that i can defend myself! You cant fight like that!"

"I can't give anything! You're my prisoner! I can't!" Said and cut the head of another orc.
He started running (and also I did)

"So what's your name?"

"This is not the right moment for to say!"

"Just tell me! Im Alex! You're?.."

"My name is Gareth!  Now down!!!"
I avoided the hand of an orc and Gareth cuted it like it was paper.I took a fallen shield from the ground. If he couldn't defend himself from the other hand i would.

"What are you think you're doing?"
"You need extra help!If i cant have a sword I can have a shield!"

I raised the shield against an orc and it almost crushed upon it. Gareth slaughter it and we continued running. More orcs were coming  .

"Not from this way!" He said and we turned again this time to the right. This part of the camp had less soldiers to defent it .

He groaned. "I can't take you to the healers! There to far from here if orks haven't reached this part of the camp till now .We have to go back."he said and stopped.
Then an orc unexpectedly crashed on us  and I almost fell .

Gareth killed it but more were coming near. He could fight in this way and he knew it.
He let my hand free.

"I've to fight now! Ive to defend you and the camp!Run!Save your life!"

"Take that!" i said and tried to give him the Shied.

"No you need this!" He denied and gave it back to me.

"I wanna help you!"

"You can't! Now go! Run for your life!"he yelled at me before two orcs attacked him.

I started running without looking back.

I've to help him, I've to help genically. I had to defend myself. I already had a shield but with only that i couldn't fight an orc without a sword.

I started looking around for fallen swords or daggers , everything sharp i could use as a weapon. And i found one. A fallen Orc sword was near a tent .I run over there in no time. Before i even touch it a heard an ugly voice behind me.

"Hey! You!"

It was another Orc looking straight at me like ten meters away.

Ow my chat noir. He saw me. I let the sword were it layed and started running again. I turn many times to avoid him and finally i hide to a tent.
If i was silent it would pass without noticing me.

But orcs have great smell. This time he didn't saw me ,he smelled me.(and i still can't understand how the heck it could)
"I found you!" The orc yelled and ripped the tent wall in two pieces. A heavy sword fall against my shield and broke it.

I picked something from the grass and raised it like a shield.

"You think you can hit me with this tiny think?"
The orc laughed.
I looked what I took. It was a frying pan. And i knew how to use it.( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)

I hit with all my strength his head with the pan.
I heard a loud noise and then the orc fell .I didn't knew that elves except of making good swords were making also good pans.

"Ha! You thinked you can win against me and my frying pan?! You lose! "

"And the winner take her price!" I said I bend down  to take his sword.
The orc moved.

"Well the winner have to go now! See ya never!"i said and got put of the tent. When the orc will wake up will be mad for sure.

Now i had to bring aid to help Gareth and the others to defend the camp.
How difficult could be.

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now