The ride

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When i woke up in the morning Fingon and Maedhros was sleeping together peacefully so i desided to stare at them untill the woke up too.

It was my change to see the ship sailing in front of my eyes.

After the sleepover this night Maedhros went better.
It seemed the shadow of Thagorodrim he had started to fade.

It took the rest of the year for his hand to heal fully and i was beside hin all the time.

I could say after all these Feanorians weren't so cowards as i was thinking. At least bot all of them.

Not only this changed. Well. Maedhros obviously was a truly handsone guy. Tall red hair ,all muscle ,perfer colgate smile ,shiny eyes.

I realised that I the brave pan wielder of the north ,the horse whisperer and mortal healer was ..ahm.. in love.

I didn't expect I'll fall for a jerk like him .At least he wasn't like his brother Caranthir. Then clearly I should have a head injury or something like that affected me.

The problem was that Maglor liked me, Sanya liked Maglor, I liked Maedhros Maglor's brother who propably hadn't realised anything yet.

That's why i didnt want to mess with Feanorians. Or elves genically. I knew my mortal existance could fall for them but i didn't knew that may they liked me back.
What a mess.

Well today a day after the First day of the new year Maglor told me to go for a ride with the horses. Not alone of course but with his brothers and cousins. Which means well everyone. Like a family reunion.

Sanya couldn't come of course nor any lord of theirs.

I had woke up early in the morning to make sandwiches for everyone i case we got hungry. Maglor hadn't mentioned anything about food so I thought it was not a bad idea to do so.

I was almost ready when Maglor burst in the tent with a weird smile on his face.

"Are ya ready?"

"Yeah! I made sandwiches to take with us!"

"Sounds great idea!"

"For last time i beg you to let Sanya cone!" I said with a puppy face on.

"There's no problem that I can't come! Come enjoy the sun!" Sanya stopped me .

"A okay! The next tine you'll come!"

"I will" she promised and bowed.

"Come! The other are gathering!" Maglor said and dragged me outside.

"Have fun!" Sanya yelled behind me.

"Wow! It seems it is the first time your friend abandon you!" Gwental said and cackled.

"Shut it!" Sanya teased him. Being left behind wasn't that much but she had to deal with them. They're four and she was one.
But she was used to hear their elven- no- sense thinks. She could handle it for a day.


Maglor dragged me to the council tent where Maedhros and Celegorm was waiting outside.

"We're here! We're the others?"
Maglor asked.

"Caranthir and Curufin already left to take their horses and the twins went to the other camp" Celegorm answered. Huan was by his side as always. All this time i was avoiding his due to his dogzilla appearance but now i would ride a horse so i had no fear.

"I suppose its tine for us to go as well"

His brother nodded and we started walking heading to the stall.

"I don't own a horse so you have to lend me one for today" i said trying to look Maedhros in the eyes while walking.

"A of course. But we don't have a horse for your height. Like a poney" he replied sarcastically.

"I can take you in my horse if you want" Maglor suggested.

"No ,it's fine. I can ride a tall horse as well . I don't wanna be a burden" I said throwing a deadly glare at Maedhros.

"Do you have a black horse maybe?" I asked.

"The only black horse is mine. But we have a brown one" Maedhros said.

"Okay then. I'll be fine with the brown horse!"

I felt something poking my elbow. I turned around. It was the hand i was holding the  basket with the sandwiches.
It was Huan.

"Heeyy!" I almost yelled and pressed the basket against me. This dog could swallow the half of my hand with one bite. I didn't want something like this to happen because he thought that my hand was a sandwich.

"Watch your dog, Golden Hair!" I yelled at Celegorm who was looking at me with a smirk.

Huan stared at me and return on his master's side.

"He's just curious! He doesn't need to eat or sleep at all. Nonetheless he wouldn't accept your mortal food" he commented with a smirk.

"Hope you'll dont ask me for one later!"i replied.

"Do you need help to climb?" Maglor asked as he was watching me trying to reach the horse back.

"Im fine, i got it!" I replied with a face smile . After five minutes i managed to climb upon the saddle.(Basically elves according Lotr doesn't use saddles but let's  make this mistake pass for this story)

Everyone else was already outside waiting for me.

"We're gonna be late Alex! Come!" Maglor yelled.



We went outside the camp in the edge of the lake waiting for the other to appear. Curufin and Caranthir was already there chatting but they stopped when they noticed me.
A cold silence fell between us.

They still  hadn't trust me like Maedhros and Maglor did. Celegorm seemed neutral against me.

I was sure staying with Maedhros a year was suspicious for them, especially for Caranthir, but i didn't gave so much care about them.I was worried for their brother a d i didn't have the patience to deal with them too.

This day could be a chance finally to accept me. All of them.

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now