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After the unexpected encounter with Melian I didnt saw her again.At least from that close distance.
We stayed  two weeks at doriath as Aegnor wanted more time to discuss with the Kind several topics.

I was really curious to see Luthien but the princess of Doriath didn't show up at all. Einar said me that she did not like being inside the Caves and preferred the clear air of the Forest. I couldn't go search her this time but definitely one day i would meet her.

About the Teleri food i found it quite simple but at the same time really delicious. I was bored eating all the time lembas so a change in the menu was one of the things I waited when i arrived in the Forest.

The last remaining day in Doriath
I desided to take a walk outside in the forest of Neldorerh for a last time.

I wanted to see the place one more time before leaving.
Maybe one day I could return there.
With Sanya.

Maybe if the future changed the forest had not to be adandoned.. but even the most powerful empires one day fall and crumble uder the feet of their enemies.
the only think that changes is if they fell with honor or with disgrace of the betrayal of their own blood...

if somehow i could change their tragic fate i would be relieved..

I walked by the river hearing its song amd humming a tine of a old song i remembered.

~~Long has been my journey

That led me to these halls

But now I kneel before thee

As grief my spirit calls~~

"My lady!" I heard a voice calling me. It was Tristan.

"Are you going alone for a walk?"

" yes!Is there a problem? May you need help to pack the stuff?"

"No it's alright we're almost done..I was taking a break nerby so..Can i join you?"

"Oh of course!"

"Thank you.."
Silence fell for a minute..

"Soyou have any plans on your mind?"he askedas we were walking.

"Such as?"

"Generally talking..are you gonna continue be the representative of house Feanor after we return?"

"I wasn't planning continue this carrier path to be honest... after all im not even blod related to the family. I was lucky the let me come this time.When i return I'll continue living in the camp i guess..."

"Just that?"

"Well i hope one day I'll be a healer like Sanya to help you even a little.."

"Must be hard.."

"What do you mean with this.?.."

"Being with people not from your kind.. you've really survived all this time when you could just think only about yourself as you're weaker than everybody else"

"Well I'm weak in physical strength but have you seen me using a pan? You dont wanna have such an encounter with me when I wield my Allmighty pan for sure"
I joked

"Do other humans use pans as weapons as well?"he asked with a completely innocent face.

"Ahmm..  no but im an exeption..You have to be carefull!"

"Pardon me if i ask something weird..We had not a proper talk alone ever before and im kinda curious..Lord Maedhros doesn't want others to talk about you.."

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now