Ready as I'll ever be/2

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We had to gather early in the morning in frond or the southern gate in order to leave.

I was ready from the previous day. Clothers ,food, weapons (a pan) everything. I was ready to wake up in the morning and go to an adventure. Almost..

Sanya woke me up instead when she was preparing to leave for the Harbour. She was up early so I had few minutes spare for sleep.
But everybody knows by the time you will fell asleep again you're not gonna sleep only forir five minutes.

I woke up half an hour later and it was close to the time of the depart. Everybody else must had woken up already and waited for me. And that's exactly what happened.

Everyone was waiting in frond of the gate for me.

"Im sorry im terribly late! Thanks for waiting!" I apologised as i was approaching with my stuff.
Everyone was on their horse and they had packed the supplies on the extra horses.

Maedhros was there with his horse he promised to give me with Maglor by his side. I had almost forgot about them. Tristan along with Emyr and Idwar was there too.

I went straight to them. I had not the time to speak with the others.

"Have you packed all the necessary thinks m'lady?" Tristan asked and took the stuff I was holding.

"Yeah i think so. I checked them twise yesterday and one time this morning. I have everything" He smiled and turned away to put them on the extra horses.

"Morning m'lady!" Emyr and Idwar said the same time few meters away and then looked at each other confused.

"Good morning!"I greeted back. They were ready on their horses. Tristan came back to me quickly.

"Is all that you have m'lady?"


"I was worried because you were late. If you didn't come i would have come to your tent to find you. Lord Maglor told me yesterday you always come yourself so I didn't think coming from the beginning"

"Im the one here to apologize! I came so no worries! When we'll leave?"

"Lord Aegnor told me in few minutes when the others leave too for the Harbour"


"I'll be behind you if you need my service!" He told me and headed to his horse. He was wearing his brother's cape for the journey. It was a year from back then...

I fixed the red star on my shoulder being a bit nervous. As a representative of the House Feanor I had to wear it.

I was excited and anxious the sane time about the journey. Never before i had to go somewhere too far even with others. A journey in Middle earth. Finally the time had come.

"You sure you took everything?" Maedhros asked getting in the middle and made a grin. With his only hand was holding the bridles of his horse ,Garnet.

"Yes !"

"You took any weapons with you?"

"I have my pan in the back-"

"Are you serious? The only thing you can kill with a pan is eggs and bacon! You're going in the wild with a pan?"

"And from where im supposed to take a weapon? Just stole it from one of your lords or something?I have them in order to protect me!You didn't tell me anything about weapons before two days!"

He stared at me for a second.

"You're not gonna leave like this. I'll give you a weapon" he murmured and letting loose the bridles for a second then pulled something from his belt.A small dagger in a red case.

"What is this?"

"A gift from me to you for your journey. I never used it because it's too small for my hands  but you can. Keep it on you!" He left it on my open palm.

"Thank you..." I murmured unsure how to react.

Maglor approached. He was staring the whole conversation silent all this time.

"We had not the time to talk about it. I don't understand the reason why you leave us. But i can't change your will. I wish you a safe journey!"he said and took of his cape to place it on my shoulders.

"That will keep you warm. That's my gift for you"

"Thanks!" I said and kissed him on the cheek as a greeting.

Maglor smiled handsome as always but Maedhros look at me with a confused look.

"What?"I asked pretending nothing happened.

"Don't I deserve a goodbye kiss too?"

"Are you ready?" Aegnor yelled from behind cutting him.

"Almost!" Maedhros yelled and then looked at me with puppy eyes.

"When i return"

"Thats a long time!"

"I know" I laughed.

I got up on the sandle of the horse cheking fot last time if everything was in its place.

"Garnet is an obedient horse and she's not gonna leave your side in any case even you're an completely unknown rider for here. I told her to do so" Maedhros mentioned .

"I know it's not the first time meating her!" I said and winked.

"We're leaving!" Aegnor announced.

Maedhros suddenly grabbed the bridles and looked me in the eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked a bit shocked. It was time to leave for me. Did i really forget something?

"I tell you one more time to change your mind. Don't leave Alex!"

I took a breath and then spoke:

"Listen here 'Lord'. I'm not your wife nor your servant to command me . I do what i want freely without your permission. Now let me pass!"I said .Now i was standing higher than him on the horse I could finally look at  him from above with pride .

(thats what Aredhel said to Turgon when she wanted to leave from Gondolin)

Maedhros stepped back and set the bridles free.

"Return" he murmured.

"I will"

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now