Chapter 21

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Daniel POV

Since Claudia's slip of the tongue about Matthias, I decided to announce it to the pack myself. It is the best option. I don't want them to discover the news through rumours and unfounded gossips.

During the announcement, everyone was silent and kept quiet until I finished talking. After a moment of silence, my people voiced their mixed opinion. About half of the pack was okay with my mate being a vampire, and the other half did not. It had to be expected.

I did not hope that everyone would agree with it. I don't like to rule over my pack as a dictatorship. Therefore, I wanted to hear the reasons they are against it. Multiple werewolves still hated vampires, even after the fight against the enforcers. The help that Nikolas' family provided didn't sway their opinion. Most of them still don't like the alliance we have with them, but since it was my decision as the Alpha, they didn't dare go against it. I don't mind listening to their opinions, but if they dare challenge my decisions, there'll be a problem.

In the end, everyone was talking over each other and a few fights nearly got out of hand. Therefore, I decided that everyone reported to their respective group leader such as the Beta, Delta, Lead Warrior and so on. The meeting is going to start soon and I hope that it will be a short and peaceful one.

When I arrive at the meeting room, everyone was already there. They stand up to greet me and only sit back down after I tell them to.

"We already know the reason I gathered you here. I'll listen to each of you turn by turn. Beta, you may start," I say briefly as I make eye contact with Tricia who nods politely.

"As the Beta of this pack, I'll follow my Alpha's decision. Mates aren't our own choice. Fate decides it for us. Therefore, if our Alpha's rightful mate is a vampire, then so be it," she explains her opinion clearly and without hesitation.

"Thank you," I nod at her as she smiles slightly before Leigh, her mate, says something similar.

When it is the turn to my head warrior and hunter to share the opinions of the people under them, most of the comments are against the idea. While the healers have no problem with it.

The Silverback pack has a few centuries of history and never an Alpha took a vampire as a mate. That is what is written in the history books. I am not sure if I can totally trust it.

"As for my opinion, vampires helped us a lot to fight against the enforcers. And this may be a good chance to patch things up between us." the lead Warrior shares his view as the lead Hunter named Lester, groans.

"One of them trespassed, and we were only dragged into this mess because of them. Helping us was a given considering the sequels of events!"

"He did not do it voluntarily. It was an accident. Also, didn't that same vampire saved Claudia, the Alpha's sister? Did you forget about that?" William clarifies without raising his tone.

"But the Alpha also saved hat arrogant vampire! He would be dead by now without our help."

"Don't you see? We helped each other, and we won against the enforcers. Why not make the alliance a permanent one by welcoming the Alpha's mate in?"

"I refuse!" the lead Hunter rejected promptly as I frown.

"Then, explain the reason. I won't accept it if it's just because you don't like them," I add as Lester stares at me before looking away in submission.

"Alpha, with all my due respect, we can't trust their species. Do you remember that woman? She was ready to let her son die instead of asking you for help! Who knows what kind of teaching she gave to your mate?"

"I understand your point, but you don't know Matthias. I do and he's not like that."

"He may deceive you or your bond could blind you."

"Lester, watch your tongue," Tricia warned the Lead Hunter. "Don't say something that you can't understand."

"I understand your point and acknowledge your worries. But my duty as the Alpha is to look over my pack and it includes my mate. Fate has decided that my mate is a vampire and so will you."

"Then, what's the point of this meeting?" Lester growled angrily. "What's the point of this if you're only going to shut us down?"

I stop my Beta and Delta from lunging at the man by raising my hand. "I said I would hear your opinions. I never promised to refrain from being with my mate. Do you have any problem with that?" I growled back as I crush the edge of the table.

"Werewolves and vampires can't coexist together. We have proof of that!" Lester shouted as everyone else swiftly stood up and cleared the table. "I am starting to doubt your capacity to lead the pack."

"You think you will do a better job?" I ask one last question as I am ready to aim for the neck.

"Better than you who wish to give a vampire equal status to the Alpha."

Before he can say another word, I threw the table away before hitting the wall and breaks into pieces. I sprint toward my former packmate and shift midway before aiming at his neck. Unfortunately, my target barely stops my fangs from piercing the side of his nape by using his arm as a shield. The smell of blood drifts to my nostrils before I could see it. Soon, multiple drops of crimson liquid hit the floor.

With great effort, Lester successfully pushes me away as he wastes no time to shift. In his wolf form, he is smaller than me in stature. I puff my chest out as I try to intimidate him with my size, but he just growls at me in defiance with his tail pointing up.

I need to take care of this alone. This man challenged my position as the Alpha and I need to nip the cause at the bud. There will be only one winner who will gain everything while the loser won't even have his life spared. The strongest gains the right to rule. Of course, I was bred to be the Alpha since I was a pup, but it doesn't mean that everyone would accept it. Therefore, I had to be strong enough to gain the right to be the Alpha. It is about my survival. That's not right. It's for my future with Matthias. I need to win for us.

We circle each other as the room seems to get smaller with time. We stare at each other, waiting for an opportunity to attack. I don't want to prolong this fight longer than necessary. I'll kill this man before he can even blink.

Out of sudden, Lester lunges at me and aim for my neck. Not wasting a second, I quickly jump aside and tackle him instead before biting on his right rear leg. He tries to kick me away and even bites and scratch my back, but I don't let go until I hear his bone snap. His skin punctured and bone broken, blood heavily trickles on the floor.

Attracted by the smell of the blood, a crowd surrounds the entrance of the room as Tricia and Leigh keep everyone in check. Wounded, the challenger quickly creates some space in between us. He snarls at me and puffs his chest out, but I know this is all a bluff. Therefore, I don't hesitate and quickly runs in a zig-zag fashion before aiming for his neck.

Confused, he moves too late and my jaw tightens around my target. I bite it hard since I had to pass through the thick fur protecting his neck. Although Lester must sense that death is looming over his head he fights back vigorously but no matter what I can't let go. I don't want him to suffer unnecessarily, so I do a quick job out of it. A loud crack echoes throughout the room as I crush his neck in between my jaw. Killing him instantly, Lester's body goes limp before I let him go as he heavily falls on the ground.

I lick the blood away from my snout and the area around my mouth before looking toward the crowd. I howl to announce my victory as all my packmates shift to follow suit. For them, it is to announce that they acknowledge my win. It also serves as a warning. Anyone that dares to challenge me will also end up dead.

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