Chapter 27

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Daniel POV

“Thank you. I’ll see you then.”

I overhear Matthias on the phone as I scan through some documents on my desk. Once he gets into my office, he heavily sits down with a sigh.

“Tired?” I ask without looking up from my paperwork.

“Yes, she didn’t want to hang up until I explained everything to her. If I hang up, she will call back.”

“She’s worried. You disappeared for more than a week.”

“Still, I’m not a kid anymore. I don’t need to report my every move to her,” he grumbles with a pout as he slouches down on the chair.

“Right,” I mumble as I pay more attention to the paperwork in front of me.

“I’ll be meeting her alone.”

I take a second to process the information. “What?”

“It’ll be in a public restaurant, so she won’t be able to cause a scene and-”

“You’re not going there alone,” I blurt out before I can contain it. 

“What are you worried about? She won’t do anything to me, she’s my mother,” he laughs.

“I’m going with you.”

“You’re busy with your pack. I can go alone. You don’t need to worry, I’ll be back in one piece,” Matthias smiles as my mood only gets darker.

“This is not what I meant!” I yell, unable to control my anger while crumpling the papers in my hands. “This is not a joke!”

Matthias’s smile disappears as a serious expression takes over. He sighs once more before running his hand through his hair. “I’m not trying to hide your identity, nor am I ashamed of our relationship. I intend to reveal everything to my family.”

His answer surprised me. If this is not the reason, what can it be? I rack my brain, but none come to mind. “Then, what is it about?”

I notice Matthias suck in his cheek as he chews on it as if hesitating. “It’s for protecting you.”

His answer surprised me. Since I am the Alpha, I’m not used being protected. I’m the one who has to protect my pack. It is my responsibility as the leader. It is a strange feeling, but my heart fluttered at it.

“I chose a public location, and I’m hoping the eyes of the crowd will keep her civilized, but I don’t know what she may do if she snaps. The best thing is to keep you away from danger,” Matthias adds while playing with his fingers. “It’s not that I don’t trust in your abilities, but…”

I stand up and join my mate, who was still sitting on the sofa, mostly to reassure him. “It’s alright, I understand,” I smile as he seems to finally relax before leaning his head on my shoulder.

Matthias POV

I park my car near the restaurant where I’m supposed to meet with my family. I lean my head on the wheel as the nerves get the best of me. I only want her to accept my relationship with Daniel, nothing more. She may not like it, but at least she could tolerate it.

Noticing it is almost time, I head out of the car. I don’t even get a step in the restaurant and I feel a surge of accumulated aura flood out of the place. I don’t know how humans will tolerate it, but it is so heavy. It is almost like I was at the peak of a mountain with a limited supply of air.

Once I spot my parents and my siblings sitting at the back, I immediately notice the glare my dad is giving me. From the moment I got into the restaurant to the time I sit down in front of my parents and next to Nikolas, I avoid all eye contact.

“Have you ordered anything yet?” I ask, hoping to defuse the tension a little.

“Not yet. We were waiting for you,” Katie finally answers after a moment of silence.

“Let’s call the server then,” I comment, but before I could turn around to sign the waiter, goosebumps appeared on my arms.

“Don’t you have something to say to your mother?” my dad asked as a continuous stream of threatening aura enveloped me.

I struggle to keep my calm while controlling my breathing. It has been centuries since I saw him get as mad as this. It usually happens when we broke a rule or offended my mother. I may have grown and become stronger, but I still don’t feel like I can win against him. From the corner of my eyes, I notice Nikolas and Katie struggling to keep their calm too. Fortunately, we are sitting at a remote corner of the restaurant.

“I’m sorry to have worried you,” I answer after swallowing the fear stuck in my throat. Immediately, a part of the pressure is relieved. Breathing and talking are a lot easier. My siblings and I all sigh in relief.

“I’ll forgive you if you tell me why you stormed off like that,” she scolds. “There is no secret between us, remember?” she adds in a sweet tone as if I was a child once again.

I push down my pride and frustration and smile. “Of course, mother.”

“Good!” she clasps her hands with a bright smile as my father completely released us from his hold. “Now, tell us. What is wrong? Did you find your mate?”

I take a big breath and briefly stare at each member of my family in silence.

“Yes, I found my mate,” I blurt out, knowing this is the calm before the storm.

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