Chapter 10

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Matthias POV

Because of the hotels, I have been so busy. This is the first day in a month that I can laze around all morning. The bed is the most comfortable in the morning. With the cold weather outside, the warmth given by the sheets is heaven. Who wants to go face the harsh reality of life when you have a bed?

With that said I can't stay in bed all day even if I wished for it since I have work to do. With great effort, I am finally able to leave the bed at noon and go through my usual routine. After relieving myself, I go to wash my hands before brushing my teeth and arranging my hair. Then, I grab a simple black T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants to cover my awesome naked body. I would walk around naked, but my male employees don't know how to appreciate the view.

Fully clothed, I make my way downstairs to the den where I will have lunch. I don't know how she does it, but my secretary is always waiting for me in the right room. She is a competent woman. This is why I kept her by my side for so long. Plus, it would be a pain to train a new girl all over again each month.

"Good afternoon, Sir," she greets with a pleasant smile as I nod at her. "Today, you only have a conference call with Mr. Martin Raymond from the marketing company scheduled at three."

"Thank you, you can take the day off."

She merely stares at me in surprise. "Won't you need help for other things, Sir?"

"I can handle the rest myself. Have a nice day," I wave at her with a smile as she nods before leaving.

I wait for her to leave not only the room but also the house before opening the TV. I choose a random channel as my lunch is served in front of me. My mouth waters at the sight of the take-out boxes. I eyed the chef who shakes his head with a frown. I know he dislikes it, but what can I say? I prefer to order food at some low-key restaurants over something fancy. I had been eating the best food all my life, and I'm tired of it. So, this junk food is actually a treat for me.

When I open the lids of the multiple containers, I see dishes composed of white rice, sweet and sour fried pork, salt and pepper shrimp and my favourite, xiao long bao. The different smells and pleasant aromas coming from the delivered Chinese food make my stomach growl. I may not need human food to live, but who can pass up on this?

I quickly take my bite of the soup-filled dumplings and hummed in satisfaction. It may not be as refined as the ones my chef makes, but these basic flavours are exactly what I have been looking for. I need a simple life and simple dishes.

"Sir, I could have made those dishes for you. Do you know how much grease and salt did they put in it?" the chef sternly warns while I put a bite-sized piece of the sweet and sour pork in my mouth.

"I know. Your cooking is delicious. Hundred times better than this restaurant can ever dream of making," I say between mouthfuls of rice and shrimps.

"Then, why do you insist on eating it?"

"Because I'm usually not allowed to," I grin at the man next to me who sighs yet once again.

"I'll start preparing for tonight's meal. Any preferences?" he asks as I shake my head negative. "Then, enjoy your meal."

I continued eagerly to eat while watching a show on television. I don't care what I am watching. I just want to have a distraction while eating the take out meal my talented chef so generously ordered for me. Before, he didn't mind me eating it until my mother came and told him my bad habits. She has a way with words. If they left the choice to me, I can eat this junk food all day and for seven days a week. Since then, he vowed to cook for me daily. Therefore, I am only allowed to order food only once a week.

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