Chapter 17

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Daniel POV

I have to admit the food was delicious. It's not as good as a big old raw steak but I won't mind eating it again except for the oysters. This is something that I am not excited to try again. Meat is the best, and that's final.

After cleaning up the picnic table from the dirty and emptied paper plates, Matthias gives me my full cup of that bright coloured drinks with some black bubbles at the bottom. It looks overly sweet and artificial but since Matthias bought it for me, I'll try it. With the tip of the straw in my mouth, I take a sip of the cold beverage. Since the straw is wide enough to let the black bubbles pass through, I end up having more of those chewing things in my mouth than liquid.

"Do you like it?" he slightly tilts his head to the side cutely with a smile.

I force myself to swallow everything after chewing for a very long time.

"It's sweet," I grimaced as Matthias chuckled.

"Yes, it is."

"Here," I give him mine since he finished his for a moment now.

"You don't like sweet things, do you?" he asks while playing with the straw using his lips and tongue.

"It hurts my teeth," I answer after a moment of reflection while eyeing his mouth. I don't know what took over me, but I grabbed his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

The kiss was a short one, but the impact is monumental. As soon as our lips touched, it was like a lightning ran through my body from head to toe. It is a feeling I never experienced before. It felt so right.

"Someone is getting bolder by the day" he smirked while wiping his lips with the back of his hand as the wandering people around us starts to whisper and steal a few glances.

This will always be something that I won't be able to understand. Why do they have to judge and discriminate against what they don't see as "normal"? They don't have instincts and are unable to live with other animals on the planet. It is like they have this inferiority complex that pushes them to invade and conquer. Even among themselves, they can't abide by their own rules or live with each other because of something as stupid as the colour of the skin. Thankfully, I don't have to deal with them.

I lick my lips as a smile appears on my lips.

"But it looks like I don't mind this kind of sweetness."

Although he tries to look unfazed by the kiss, I notice a faint tinge of red on the tip of his ear. "Don't get used to it. You liking it doesn't mean that you can kiss me whenever you wish to."

Matthias' attitude is refreshing. At home, no one would have dared to refuse or disobey me. Therefore, it should irk me. I don't understand why, but I like this side of him. Before I met him, I was expecting someone to be calm, gentle, subservient and a werewolf. His feistiness and constant refusal to admit what is right from wrong are making me want to tease him even more. Something deep inside me wants to push him around more so I can discover more sides of him. I want to know every aspect of him. Nothing will be let in the shadow. He is mine and I'll slowly crack his defences open.

"Is that a challenge?" I ask while raising one of my eyebrows to amplify my point.

Matthias glared at me before turning around to see the produces displayed in front of him. Since he turned around so fast, I couldn't discern his expression. He seems flustered, but I don't know more than that and I'm not sure if he does. Hence, he busies himself by buying fruits and other stuff. Anything he sees, he buys with my wallet in his hands. He eats while walking and always tries to make me taste new things. One thing is sure, he loves to eat. I never thought my love rival would be food!

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