Chapter 39

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Daniel POV

Restless, Matthias couldn’t sit still. He keeps pacing around as we wait for his mother to arrive. I sit behind my desk in my office as I observe my mate pulling at his hair.

“I shouldn’t have told them! I knew I couldn't trust any of my siblings. Those little rats,” Matthias complained as he gripped his phone tighter.

“You can’t assume that.”

“Then, how did she know?!”

“I don’t know. But does it matter?” I ask while tilting my head to the side.

With a heavy sigh, he let himself fall on a couch. “I wanted to secure my position in the pack. A tornado is coming and I’m not even close to ready to fight against it.”

“You’re not alone. We will face her together.”

“I still think it’s best if I face her al-”

A single knock resounded throughout the office. I observe my mate as his expression loosens until there’s nothing more than confidence and boredom. He leans down in his chair as I straighten my back.

“Enter,” I order as the door slams open.

The tornado enters and glares at me with hatred. Two warriors stay at the entrance as they silently wait for my order. Then, she whirls around and stands in front of her son. She stares at my mate from head to toe, but her gaze stops at his neck. Her hands clenched and unclenched as she grits her teeth. For the first time, I see her eyes become red as rubies. As Matthias notices the change, his body tensed for a heartbeat before relaxing.

“Is it true?” she asks while her eyes are still fixated on the bite mark.

“Mother, you have to be more specific,” Matthias drawls.

“Is it true you mated with that thing,” she points her manicured finger at me.

I growl at the disrespect. Who does she think she is, insulting me in my home? One scratch and she’s done. It doesn’t matter if she’s my mate’s mother. If she disrespects me one more time, I’m going to inflict a punishment following my laws.

“That thing,” Matthias repeated venomously as he sat up straight. “Is my mate.”

My body tensed as a smacking sound resounded in my office. She moved her hand so fast that I didn’t have time to react. The only proof of the act is the red hue tainting my mate’s white cheek.

I roar while standing up. The chair behind me gets knocked over. Charging toward her, I grasp her neck and lift her up. Surprised, she stares at me wide-eyed. She claws at my hands while trying to kick me. I tighten my grip around her neck and the female vampire gasps as a putrid smell flow out of her body. She tries to overwhelm, suffocate me with her aura, but I ignore it. The pain I’m feeling is worth protecting my mate.

“Stop,” my mate orders softly as he places his hand on my shoulder.

“She deserves it,” I hiss as he stares at me blankly.

“I know, but let me talk to her first.”

I focus back my attention on the woman trapped in my grip. I glare at her hatefully. “Talk?”


“Alright,” I smile before willing my nails to form into claws. His mother flinches but doesn’t let out a sound.


I let her go as she falls loudly on the floor. “You can talk. But if she doesn’t want to die, she better behave.”

Alice coughs and groans in pain. “I will die before begging your kind.”

“No one said anything about begging,” I shrug as I take a step back, so Matthias can take my place.

“Why did you come here?” my mate asks his mother.

“You could have had anyone. Anyone is better than him! Why did you follow your stupid heart and mated with him?”

A tear slides down her cheek as she closes her eyes in pain.

“Why?” she repeats weakly as I frown since the toxins shouldn’t spread so rapidly.

“You’ll need to explain why you’re against our union,” Matthias asks as if he is sharing his mother’s pain.

“You stupid, naïve child,” she adds while taking Matthias’ face in her hands. “Listen to your mother and leave with me.”

“I can’t, I won’t.”

“I see…” she whispers. “It looks like I have no choice,” she mumbles to herself.

“Mother, does that mean you-”

“We’re done. I’ll show myself out,” she stumbles to get herself off the ground.

Snatching a cloth, I spit a good amount on it before closing the distance between us. Without asking for her consent, I push it against her neck. Her body tenses as she curses at me. However, her body relaxes as the wound heals. With my enzymes inside her body, the toxins quickly die.

“Bring our guest out,” I order the two warriors standing outside my office. 

“Yes, Alpha.”

They come in and are about to haul the woman off the ground. They stop and paled when they saw Matthias glaring at them.

“You heard him, she’s a guest,” my mate emphasized the last word.

“Yes, Alpha,” they answer warily, but with enough obedience, so I let it slide.

“Next time, please call first if you wish to visit,” Matthias adds before her mother walks away.

“There won’t be a next time.”

She leaves the room followed by the warriors, who closed the door behind them.

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