Chapter 19

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Daniel POV

One week of fun and no responsibility. The perfect vacation for an Alpha who never took one. But every good thing has an end. I would love to stay longer but I can't. Yes, I have my very competent Beta and Delta working directly under me but they can't replace me indefinitely. Also, they will never forgive me if I do.

"So, when are you leaving?" Matthias asks nonchalantly but I know he is not happy about it. I can smell his frustration surrounding him thickly around him. He may not be noticing it but he is leaking out something strange too. It makes the air scarce.

"In an hour or so. I want to arrive before sunset," I answer without hesitation. It can't be helped. I have to leave.

"Humph, I see," he mutters while leaning his head on his fist while going through multiple channels on the television. But the oozy aura around his only thickened as I have to scoot completely to the other side of the couch to not suffocate. Also, I think I saw his eyes shifting from silver-grey to a pinkish-red.

"Matthias," I called as he glanced at me as if nothing is happening. "Could you stop that?"

"Stop what?" he asks innocently so I can't get mad at him.

"That stuff leaking out of you. It makes it hard to breathe," I try to describe as he sits up straight and the stuff completely disappears.

"Haha," he laughs nervously as if ashamed of himself while scratching the back of his head. "I'm sorry. It has been centuries since I lost control of it."

"What was that?" I ask curiously as he seems hesitant to answer me. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me."

"It's all right. Each vampire has a scent or an aura. We can use it to intimidate, brainwash or manipulate someone's mind with it. Of course, the Pures have a higher potency hence a lot more effective," he explains as if reciting it out of a textbook. "We learn to control it when we are young but sometimes we can let it out by accident especially when we are experiencing powerful emotions."

"I see," I mumble while stroking my chin. I have never heard about it before. But I noticed something similar emanate out of Micah but never as strong as his. I thought I was only imagining it.

"But I didn't mean to use it on you or anything! Not that I wanted to manipulate you on staying longer," he rambles before stopping completely. If his heart was still pumping blood, he would surely be as red as a tomato right now. "Sorry."

"Hahaha," I let out a laugh as he nervously tries to apologize but only makes it worse.

My time here quickly ran out, and I am already on the road. The way back to my pack territory seems interminable. The road keeps stretching up indefinitely. I sigh for the nth time with my left arm out the window. I slowly move it up and down as the wind swoosh through my fingers.

It is hard to admit but I am already starting to miss Matthias' presence. For the short time that I stayed at his home, we were always together. Therefore, not having his presence and scent surrounding me is odd. It's almost like beef missing that grain of salt. I must settle with text messages, phone calls or maybe video calls. I hope I am not the only one longing for our next meeting.

It takes a few hours to arrive at the destination. I am not even parked yet and both my Beta and Delta come to greet me in their wolf form. After pulling out the car key from the ignition, I step out of the vehicle. The first thing I do is to fill my lungs with fresh air. It must have rained recently because there is a faint remaining odour of rain and humidity that has soaked into the soil and trees.

"Alpha, welcome back. We have been waiting for your return," Tricia greets me with a big smile after shifting while Leigh closely follows her lead.

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