Chapter 4

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Matthias POV

I toss the file on my desk with a sigh. It's almost done. I can't believe that our hotels are in such a dilapidated state. It was like we were stuck in the past century. They didn't implement a single change since I created them. I can't believe how incompetent those managers were. They dare order the staff around for meaningless things and collect their pay as if they deserved it. No wonder my parents were so desperate for my help. Nikolas is already busy with the company and his personal life, so, naturally, they don't want to burden him even more. As for Katie... She's busy enough with her modelling career.

But, the great Matthias is here to save the day. The shares are increasing as the changes get implemented and our clients are coming back. As for the building itself, we can keep it as it is since it gives a historic air to it. We only need to refresh the furniture and repaint the walls to make it fresh and modern. The staff gets trained all over again and those who are refusing to change are fired. So far, everything is going smoothly and to make the business being reborn from its ashes in just a few weeks, I am truly a genius! This should keep my parents away from me for a while.

As I hear someone softly knocks at the door of my office, I tell her to come in. "Sir, the CEO of the Rose Garden Hotels wish to meet you," my secretary informs me as she takes a step into my office.

"He wants to meet me? Isn't that my brother's job to take care of this kind of thing?" I ask her in confusion since my brother's face is known far and wide to be the one in charge.

"Yes, but... But your father was the one who put you in charge of this whole affair."

I snorted as I shake my head. I can't believe him. Not only he wants me to revamp the hotels now, he decides to push more responsibilities on my lap without even informing me. If I let him, do as he pleases, in a few months, I will be the one having to take care of the Imperial Stars Hotels as Nikolas can finally concentrate on other stuff.

The man behind the Rose Garden Hotels wants to meet me. He sure acts fast. Well, it can be fun to play with him a little bit. To give him some hope before crushing him.

"Tell him to meet me tomorrow afternoon at the usual restaurant I frequent."

"Yes, Sir and another thing, Sir Micah wishes to see you on Saturday at his home."

I raise an eyebrow after hearing what my secretary said. It is quite rare that Micah wants to see me. He usually tries to avoid me. I wonder what he is up to.

"Alright, I will be there," I answer as she smiles politely but doesn't move. "Is there something else?"

"I-if you so wishes, I could help you relieve some of your burdens?" she proposes softly as she kneels in between my legs while making sure to show me her cleavage.

I stare at her and say nothing as she slowly unzips my pants. As I feel her try to get me hard, I lean my head back before closing my eyes. It has been a while since I got the chance to relieve some stress. It is not like I didn't try, I just couldn't. Not after knowing who it is. We may both dislike each other, but sooner or later we have to confront each other on the matter.

I can feel my body tense up as I feel her soft lips and tongue masterfully tease around. I grab the back of her hair and push her head down, so I can feel the tip of my dick hit the back of her throat. She starts to gag, but I don't release my hold.

"Don't stop," I order as tears smear her perfect makeup with spit all over her mouth.

She pleads with her eyes to let her go, but I ignore her. She offered herself to me, so she should suck it up and let me do as I please. With her face as red as a tomato, I finally let her go. She pushes me out of her mouth while coughing and breathing hard. Leaning my cheek on my fist, I silently watch her struggle to catch her breath.

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