Chapter 13

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Daniel POV

I sigh yet once again while reading a report written by the head warrior. I have been sitting behind this desk since sunrise. It is now high noon, and I'm still here sorting through the mountain of paperwork. Once I have read it thoroughly and notice no problems with it, I sign a the bottom before grabbing the next document on top of the pile.

While reading it, someone knows at the door. "Come in," I say without looking up.

The door opens wide, and I can immediately smell the aroma I love so much. "Alpha, I bring you lunch," Tricia mentions while lifting the tray.

I arrange my desk to make a bit more place for the tray of food. Before even seeing it, I can smell it. So, there is no surprise when she puts the tray down in front of me. There is a huge mountain of elk with a little sear on the outside and raw in the inside. My mouth waters as I thank my Beta for the food. I don't even wait for her to leave before attacking the food. Until I had the plate under my nose, I did not realize how hungry I am.

In less than twenty minutes, my plate is licked clean. I clean my mouth with fresh water before going back to sign the paperwork waiting for me. It only takes a few minutes before I'm distracted by my phone ringing on the table. I glance at the name displaying on the screen and groan. I really don't want to answer it.

After staring at my phone for a few seconds, I finally decide to accept the call. "Daniel," I immediately introduced myself even if he already knew who I was. I frown when there is only silence on the other end of the call. "Hello?"

"Look, I don't know how to say this, but it is somewhat awkward for me to-" Nikolas starts rambling as I sigh.

"Don't beat around the bush. Tell me."

"Matthias needs you," he blurts out as answer him with shocked silence. How did he know? Did Matthias tell him? But we were in an agreement that we would not tell a soul until we were ready to go public.

"I don't follow you."

I hear him sigh. "I know your relationship with my brother is a secret, but he really needs you. If you don't get your ass here, this secret won't even exist anymore."

I don't know what it is about, but it sounds pretty serious from his tone. Do I believe him? Not completely, but do I want to risk it? No, I do not want to lose my potential mate when things have been going well. I'll have to go there and see.

"Alright, I'm on my way," I answer as I hear Nikolas sigh in relief.

"It's a bit complicated to explain on the phone, so we will be waiting in his home. Do you know where it is?"

"Give me the address," I say while grabbing a piece of paper and a pen before scribbling the information I need.

Once I have everything I require, I end the call before leaving my office. I need to find my Beta to let her know that she's in charge until I come back. I follow my nose and end up in the yard where she's training with her mate, Leigh. I walk in their direction, so they notice me. They spar against each other and when Leigh got distracted by my presence, Tricia uses this moment to get the upper hand. With a hand on his shoulder, she pushed him down while using her foot to trip him up. In seconds, her mate falls on the ground with a grunt.

"You win," my Delta groans while rubbing the back of his head.

"Of course, I do," she smiles before extending her hand out to help him get up. "Alpha, what brings you here?" she asks with a smile still on her lips.

"I'll leave the pack in your hand. There's an urgency. I don't know how long it'll take, but I'll contact you once I have more information," I quickly explain, but I know by the look in her eyes that she is not pleased by what she heard.

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