Chapter 31

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Daniel POV

In the corner of my eyes, I notice Matthias trying to build amicable relations with the others. Although he is alright with a few high-ranked werewolves, he needs to make the lower ones feel the same or it’ll be hard to lead the pack in the future. But he’s on the right track, especially after befriending the shyest and harder to approach omega, Jack.

As I go through my daily routine, my Beta pulls me to the side. “Everything is ready.”

I nod, “Good, make sure everyone attends. Do you know their opinion on the matter?”

“Yes, but most of them are still against it,” Tricia answers while avoiding eye contact with me.

I cross my arms on my chest. “That’s to be expected. Anything else I should know?”

Tricia seems to think before giving her answer. “Nothing of note.”

“Thank you, you may go now.”

Tricia nods before walking away. Before long, I go back to my post and monitor the training session. I usually participate in it too but today I am too distracted to do so. At one point, I don’t even notice that one teenager walked away from training. It is only when Leigh brings him back to me I mentally slap myself.

“Alpha,” my Delta, salutes before going back to his duties.

I give him a nod before shifting back my attention to the newest member of the group. He only recently reached fifteen years old and had his first shift.

“Alpha,” the boy says while trembling.

“Explain yourself,” I order, as I don’t immediately punish him since he is new to this.

“I-I,” he sniffles as he is on the verge of tears.

My heart softens at the sight. But I have to discipline him. Or else, it may become a bad habit or, even worse, question my authority as the Alpha.

“Calm down, and then answer me,” I say, as he wipes his tears away.

“I-I wanted to get some water, but…” he stops mid-sentence as he looks around.

“But?” I urge him after it takes too long.

“My friends invited me to join them…” he finally confesses.

“Did you know you’ll be punished?” I ask as he nods slightly. “You knew and still joined your friends.”

“Yes,” he pitifully answered.

“You don’t have a rank yet, but it doesn’t mean I can’t demote you. For one week, you’ll help the omegas do the chores for the pack. Unless you’re done with all your chores, you’re forbidden to play with your friends.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Take the rest of the day off,” I add, and the boy’s eyes lit up. “But starting tomorrow, you’ll be doing chores, understand?” I warn him.

“Yes, Alpha!”

“Go then.”

I watch the boy run away to join his friends. I only hope he learns his lesson and won’t do it again or it’ll affect his rank later on. This is usually how a werewolf becomes an omega. But it is understandable why he wanted to run away from training. It is very harsh for newcomers. Only time will tell how this bundle of energy will grow against adversity.

Later in the afternoon, I walk around the pack land searching for my mate. Ever since this morning, I have not seen him. An important meeting will happen soon, and Matthias has to attend. It concerns his future in the pack after all.

After almost an hour of search, I finally find him asleep under a tree at a moderate distance from the training ground. I sit next to Matthias and observe him as a soft wind brushes against my hair. After a moment, I close my eyes as the stress slowly disappears. It really is peaceful here.

As much as it pains me to disturb his sleep, we need to get going. Gently, I shake his shoulder, and he doesn’t even move. I do it a second and third time while gradually putting more force into it. But I still get nothing. He really is a heavy sleeper. Sometimes, with his pale skin, I wonder if he’s dead. It makes me want to check if he’s still breathing since they don’t have a pulse.

After what feels like an eternity, Matthias finally wakes up. “What is it?” he asks groggily.

“Come, we have a meeting to attend,” I answer as I stand up before offering him my hand.

“About what?” he asks as he accepts my help.


“Aren’t you the Alpha? Why do you need to consult them?” Matthias asks after a brief moment of walking.

“I am, and I don’t need to. I do it because it gives me a clearer picture of what my pack need. It is also easier to circulate information.”

“I guess,” he yawns before stretching his arms above his head. “Alright, I’m awake.”

“Good luck.”

“It’s your men who’ll need it,” Matthias smirked before they enter the meeting room.

If you want to read the rest of the chapter, go on Tapas. Chapter 41 is already available there.

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