Chapter 8

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Matthias POV

To momentarily escape that group of crazy girls, I joined my parents who are sitting on the sofa with some of our distant relatives. I don't know which one was worse. Girls bickering about how exceptional I am or about the surrogate who gave birth to Milana.

Of course, my mother is not happy with Nikolas' choice. She thinks he could have chosen someone more suitable to carry their bloodline. Someone with almost a pure bloodline like most of the bloodthirsty girls in this room. They would do anything to enter the family. No matter the eras, people don't change. Since there are so many "suitable" candidates, she can always find flaws in her. I think she is pretty good. Her blood is not as bad as mum says it and she is not a bitch. She only requested to see the baby once in a while before taking the promised money and left. She got disinherited by her family when she wanted to stay with her mate who's not only a human but also a poor man. Therefore, she needed the money to help him raise a family. To be honest, I respect her. If I were in her place, I'm not sure if I could have done it.

Now, mum fears that the baby's power won't be good enough since we won't know until she's older. Hopefully, Milana will take it after Nikolas, but it'll be nice to have a new power in the family. Alice never fussed about Micah's blood since she knew that he wouldn't be the one to give birth to her grandbaby. So, it didn't matter. However, she never expected Nikolas to choose a surrogate without consulting her first. She was always too protective of us. No wonder she worries about Milana's future. Being a Pure with no power in this world is harsh and cruel. So, now she is venting off her frustration on people who will agree with her.

"Say, is it your son-in-law that invited those beasts?" one of my distant aunts whispered to my mother who nodded with a sigh.

"Yes, I was against it. But my son says it's for the good of 'alliance' they kept after that incident," my mum, Alice, pursed her lips before taking a sip of white wine. "We will have to disinfect the entire house when they are gone."

"Well, they can be good shields. But are you sure? Is it healthy to let her touch the baby? What if she gives her a strange illness?" my twice removed aunt continues as I roll my eyes at her stupidity. Be careful folks, this is what happens when you stay under a rock for too long.

"Worse, imagine if she gets scratched or bitten! The baby stands no chance against those beasts!"

"I warned them about that, but Micah says it'll be alright and you know my son. Micah has him wrapped around his finger. The younger generation these days... They don't listen to us anymore."

They continue to bicker and complain about everything and anything. I ignore them and concentrate on my drink instead. I may need something heavier. My eyes linger on the crowd as I observe everyone mingle. I also notice some hungry looking girls staring at me. I ignore them and my eyes land on Daniel. He is sitting alone at a table. While Claudia is having the time of her life with Micah and Katie, he is the lone wolf of the group. At least, he seems to be enjoying his food, but I'm not certain since he always keeps the same face.

"Matthias," my twice removed aunt calls me as I focus my attention on her and I notice a new person that wasn't here a moment ago. "This is my daughter. I heard you didn't find your mate yet and she didn't either. Perhaps, you'll enjoy each other's company."

This must be mum's idea. I'm sure it is. "Nice to meet you, I'm Layla," she extends her hand.

We exchange a handshake as I smile at her. Here we go again. "I'm Matthias, but you already know that. Should we go somewhere without so many eyes and ears?"

I don't know what she understood, but she blushes before nodding. She wrapped her arms around mine as we walk away from our relatives. I can feel their eyes on us. They must think they hit the jackpot especially after what mum said before the party. It won't happen. Don't get me wrong, but Layla is not ugly. She's rather pretty and her look is top-notch. A little bit similar to Katie in my opinion.

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