Chapter 6

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Matthias ^^^

Matthias POV

After I get dressed up into a dark burgundy suit, I start to fasten my indigo blue tie around my neck. Then, I strap on my watch with a brown leather strap around my wrist and put on my sneakers that have the same colour as my tie. All dressed, I look at my reflection in the mirror as I straighten up my clothes. I nod in satisfaction as I comb my fingers through my hair.

I grab my car keys and my phone before walking out of my house. It is still early, but I don't want to arrive late. That also means that I may get some personal time with the baby too. I'm quite curious to meet him or her. Also, I haven't bought a gift yet.

So on my way there, I stop at a baby shop. As soon as I walk inside, I'm greeted by a smiling sales clerk. "Hello, Sir. How can I help you with today?"

"I'm looking for a gift for a baby shower."

"Is it for a boy or a girl?"

I stare at her for a few seconds as she stares straight back at me without blushing or looking away. Then, she must be either married or isn't interested in men. "I don't know."

"I see," she mumbles as she seems to think. "Please, follow me."

There seems to be an endless amount of baby stuff in here. Some of this stuff I didn't know existed. Like a baby eau de toilette or something called a pee-pee socket (what the fuck?). It is also so expensive, and I'm doubting the utility of those objects.

Then, we stop in front of multiple premade baskets. "Since you don't know the gender of the baby, I recommend the more neutral colours like white or the brown-beige one," she explains as I nod. "If you wish to, we can also customize it to your liking."

I look through the different baskets as I am trying to choose which one seems the best. I could customize one, but I am not too sure of what needed to be in there or not. But none of them seems special enough. The baby will receive gifts from everyone and I need mine to stand out.

"I'll go with a customized one. But I need it now."

"That is not a problem," she smiles as she leads me to a room filled with empty baskets. "You first have to choose a basket and then add anything you like into it. All the products in this room have a special price that comes with the customized baskets. However, if you wish to add anything else aside from this room, it'll be the price that is indicated on the tag."

From there, I choose everything from the ribbon going around the basket to all the socks and clothes for the baby but also some presents for the parents too. I make sure to stay away from weird and useless objects. It isn't as hard as I thought, but I may just have chosen a little too much. It'll be a miracle if she can fit everything in the basket. As I watch the clerk wrap it up with a transparent plastic wrap, I notice a cute fat little plushie bear on the side. So before she can seal the basket with yet another ribbon, I quickly grab it and ask her to add it with the others.

"Is there anything else that you would like?" she asks with other objects already in hand. She must be paid on commission.

"A card for the newborn baby," I answer after thinking for a little bit.

In the end, I spent almost two hours in that shop. Thankfully, I left way earlier than scheduled. At the cash, she keeps tapping her fingers on the screen as I wait for the final amount. When I'm sure I have everything I need, I swipe my card and enter my NIP code. Taking the basket into my arms, I put it in the backseats. I can now go to my brother's new house since the old one was burned to the ground by the enforcers.

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