Chapter 11

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Daniel POV

<Why would I give you the satisfaction of knowing what I'll do? You'll have to wait and see.> I send my answer as my phone vibrates when I receive his answer.

< o(≧∇≦o) !! >

I frown when I try to read his reply. It doesn't look like anything. It takes me a few extra seconds before understanding it more or less. It is actually a drawing of a face? Why does it have whiskers and a beak? Are the round things its hands?

<What is the hell is this ugly thing?> I answer honestly since I have never seen anything like that. Is it even an existing creature?

< 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸 How dare you call me ugly.>

< ... >

What the heck? When did I call him ugly? I said the drawing was ugly. And why does he keep sending me those drawings? It keeps getting uglier. And is it flipping me off? That man is he an adult or a child? But it's a little cute.

<ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ'Д')ノ> I copy and paste the drawing I found on the Internet before sending it to him.

<So, you'll come to kick me out of bed.> Once I read his answer, I roll my eyes. He got me there.

<You would like that don't you?> I reply just before I hear someone knock at the door.

I look up and put my phone on the table and make myself busy with paperwork before telling the person behind it to come in. Once the door opened, my Beta, Tricia, enters my office and only stops when she reaches the center of the room. She and I are friends since we were young along with her mate and my Delta, Leigh. They make a fine couple together. Tricia has long blond hair usually tied into a ponytail with brilliant green eyes. Her skin is pale but still has a tan that makes her complexion shine. She is also quite tall for a woman at 5"7. Since we were training together since we were young, she is also very strong and has some defined muscles.

"Alpha," she greets seriously as I nod to acknowledge her without looking up from the document I am reading. "I'm back from my trip to England. Here is the report I wrote about the Whitefang Pack located in the North of the country. On my stay there, they requested an alliance. So they wish to meet you in person," she summarises as I rapidly go through the report she just gave me.

"Thank you, I'll take care of the rest," I look up for the first time since she got here.

"As expected of the Alpha," she comments since she knows how much I hate paperwork and everything related to it.

"Yes, yes, you can save your speech," I mumble before resting my chin on my fist that's settled on the desk. "Do you need anything else?"

"That your presence is requested at the meeting."

I stare at her for a moment before blinking. "It's today?" I ask as she nods once as an answer.

I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket before standing up. I make my way toward the conference room with my Beta following me closely from behind. This is a meeting we have once a month to talk about pack affairs. The lead hunter, warrior, healer, the Delta, Beta and myself, the Alpha will be present. Sometimes other members can be present too, depending on the situation. It's usually the same and very boring. Tricia can take care of it all by herself but she won't let me miss it since I'm the Alpha.

Getting into the room, everyone turned toward me before greeting me by calling my title. I acknowledge them with a nod and sit on my chair at the end of the table with my Beta and Delta on my sides. Without wasting time, we start the meeting and discuss various subjects.

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