Chapter 9

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Daniel POV

Three days have passed since Milana's party. Claudia and I first planned to stay at a hotel, but once Micah suggested that we stay at their house, my sister couldn't live anywhere else. Thankfully, I hardly met any of the other guests in such a big house. It would have been better in my own hotel room, but it is not that bad. The only things that bother me are the moans echoing in the silence and the thick stench of blood. It makes it so much harder to fall asleep. Firstly, it is never pleasant to be a spectator to people's night escapades. Also, the smell of blood awakens the beast in me. It makes my mouth salivate as I can feel the toxins coating my teeth becoming thicker. It makes me want to go for the kill.

Now that I live and actually observe them, I notice that they like to mimic the human's lifestyle. They wake up early in the morning, have their tea or coffee, eat food even if they don't need it, go through their scheduled day and go to bed at night when they should be thriving. Vampires are supposed to be nocturnal creatures. But here they are living as humans. It may have been to survive and blend with the humans in the past. Matthias lived through that period. Living while the whole world was against you. It must have been traumatizing.

I grab my suitcase after putting back my clothes inside. It was an interesting vacation. But now it is time to leave. I need to go back to my pack. I have some affair to attend. But I already know that Claudia will throw a tantrum.

"No! Can't we stay longer? Like until the end of the week?" she pouts after I inform her of the news.

"Don't act like a spoilt child. Three days are enough and stop imposing yourself on others' hospitality."

"Humph, you can go back alone for all I care. I'm staying here," she crosses her arms before turning her head to the side as her hair fly around.

I growl at her. "Enough!" I use my Alpha voice as she freezes. Even if she's my sister, her instincts know best than angering me. "You do as I say or I'll make sure you repent on your actions."

"But I want to go shopping with Micah and Katie. They said we would go today," she answers in defeat while looking at her feet while playing with her fingers.

I should be refusing her. I let her get away too often, so now she's abusing the fact that she's my sister. I know that I should say no. I can't get softer just before she starts crying. I hate seeing kids cry.

"Fine," I reluctantly grumble. "But no hunting. You'll be doing chores instead," I add as she wines like a hurt puppy.

"Do I really have to?" she asks pitifully surely hoping that I'll go back on my words.


"For how long?"

"A month."

"That's too long!" she complains in shock since she has never been punished this long before. And it is all because I keep spoiling her.

"Continue to complain, and I'll add another month," I warn as she immediately shuts her mouth while nodding. "Have fun," I smiled before ruffling her hair on purpose.

She smiles at me before grabbing her purse and a light coat. Now that I am paying more attention, she is dressed fancier than usual. She said they were going shopping, but I don't want her to get addicted to it and she doesn't need this many pieces of clothing or objects. She will never be able to use a fancy dress or the newly bought purse she took with her earlier. Our life consists of training, hunting and patrolling. This is what we need to do as a pack to survive.

I fish out my phone from my back pocket when I felt it vibe. I open it and see that I received a mail from my beta asking me when we will arrive. I sigh as I text her back that we will come back later than planned. She won't like it. At least her mate, my Delta, will be there to calm her down.

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